quantity, by any merchant or shopkeeper, and selling the same again
in his store
or shop, shall not be deemed, taken or construed, to come within the
intent or
meaning of this act. |
Persons exposing
articles for
sale, &c.
deemed offenders,
&c. |
III. And,
whereas persons offending against this act may make their purchases
in so secret a manner that it may be difficult to detect them, Be
it further enacted,
That when and as often as it shall happen that any person is exposing
any of the
above enumerated articles for sale, otherwise than in their stores
or shops as aforesaid,
and there is good cause to suspect they have been purchased contrary
to the
true intent and meaning of this act, it shall be lawful for any person
to apply
to a magistrate for a warrant to apprehend the person so suspected,
and the said
magistrate shall have power to inquire into the offence, and if the
person suspected
be convicted thereof, on the oath of one or more credible witnesses,
or if the
person so charged cannot make it appear, to the satisfaction of such
that he or she raised or made the articles by him or her offered for
sale, or is disposing
of them on account of the person who raised or made them, or that he
or she brought the said article or articles ten miles or upwards from
the town of
Baltimore, he or she shall be deemed offenders against this act, and
the fines and
forfeitures shall be recovered in a summary way before the said magistrate. |
Butter to
weigh sixteen
ounces, &c. |
IV. And be it
further enacted, That all butter sold by the pound in the said
markets, shall weight sixteen ounces avoirdupoise weight; and any person
butter to the said markets, and offering the same for sale, and the
said butter
weighing less than sixteen ounces as aforesaid, the same butter shall
be taken and
seized by the clerk of the market, and sold for the use of Baltimore-town. |
No goods to
be sold on the
&c. |
V. Be it further
enacted, That no person or persons shall bring any goods or
merchandise of any kind into the market-square to sell before the hour
of twelve
o'clock; and the said clerk is also hereby appointed to collect all
fines and forfeitures
incurred under this law, and account for the same to the commissioners
of Baltimore-town, for the use of said town. |
Clerk may
seize meat,
&c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That the clerk of the said markets shall have full
power and authority to seize by distress any meat upon any stall in
the Baltimore
market-houses, if the butcher owning such stall shall not pay the rent
thereon; and the said clerk is also hereby appointed to collect all
fines and forfeitures
incurred under this law, and account for the same to the commissioners
of Baltimore-town, for the use of said town. |
Passed May
27. |
An ACT to continue the acts
of assembly therein mentioned. |
Several acts
continued. |
BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That an act, entitled,
An act for the amendment of the law, passed at a session of assembly begun
and held at the city of Annapolis on the sixteenth day of November,
seventeen hundred and seventy-three, and one other act, entitled, A supplementary
act to the act, entitled, An act for the amendment of the law, passed
at a
session of assembly begun and held at the city of Annapolis on the twenty-sixth
day of October, seventeen hundred and seventy-eight, be and they are
continued for seven years, and to the end of the next session of assembly
shall happen thereafter. One other act to remedy some evils relating
to servants,
passed at a session of assembly begun and held at the city of Annapolis
on the
eighth day of May, seventeen hundred and fifty, be and is hereby continued
seven years, and to the end of the next session of assembly thereafter.
other act, entitled, An act for the gauge of barrels for pork, beef, pitch,
turpentine, and tare of barrels for flour and bread, passed at a session
of assembly
begun and held at the city of Annapolis on the fifth of August, seventeen
and forty-five, be and is hereby continued for seven years, and to the
end of
the next session of assembly thereafter. And one other act, entitled,
An act to
establish a market in Frederick-town, and for the regulation of said market,
passed at a session of assembly begun and held at the city of Annapolis
on the |