RESOLUTIONS assented to
out of the continental loan-offices of any of the other states, and
which of them,
and when, and to what amount respectively.
WHEREAS by the auditor-general's report it is represented,
that the state is
subjected to great expence from the situation of the arms and military
stores now
in this city, and that they cannot be transported to Frederick-town for
the want
of money; RESOLVED, That the auditor-general be authorised to appoint some
proper person to sell such of the said arms and military stores as, on
may appear to be not worth removing, and to direct the sale to be made
such terms as he may judge best, and make such allowance of commission
to the
auctioneer as he may think just and reasonable.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they
are hereby authorised
to draw on the treasury of the western shore for such sum of any money
therein as may be necessary to cover the expence to be incurred by removing
arms and military stores from the city of Annapolis to Frederick-town,
and provide
for the reception and security of them after removal.
RESOLVED, That the auditor-general be authorised to
employ persons to
repair the rooms in the second story of the stadt-house, formerly occupied
by the
governor and council, and the auditor-general; and that it be recommended,
that the governor and council, and auditor-general, make use of said rooms
soon as the said repairs are completed, and give up the house now rented
their use.
RESOLVED, That the auditor be authorised, and he is
hereby directed, to
send his deputy (whose reasonable expences shall be defrayed, and the treasurer
of the western shore is hereby directed to advance the money on the draught
the auditor) to collect and settle the accounts of the several persons
who have
received money for public purposes during the late war, and who have not
brought in their accounts and vouchers to him; and in case of their refusal
neglect to furnish the accounts and vouchers necessary for the liquidation
and settlement
of the accounts aforesaid, the auditor is directed to give in a list of
who appear to owe balances on his books to the attorney-general, who shall
commence suits against them.
WHEREAS it appears to this general assembly, that there
was due to Edward
Butt, a soldier of the second Maryland regiment, for his services in the
the sum of eighty-six pounds in eighteen shillings and eight-pence, and
that the
said Edward Butt was killed in the action at Guildford court-house on the
day of March, 1781; that Thomas Butt, one of the representatives of
the said Edward, applied to the auditor-general, on behalf of the sid representatives,
for a certificate for the amount of the pay due to the said Edward, but
the said auditor having granted two certificates for said sum, to wit,
one for
£. 40, and the other for £. 46 18 8, to some person who
personated the said
Edward, and made oath that he was Edward Butt, of the second Maryland
regiment, thought himself not authorised to issue a certificate to the
said Thomas
Butt, although he was satisfied of the fraud in the person who obtained
it by
false swearing as aforesaid; and it appearing just and reasonable, that
the representatives
of the said Edward Butt should receive the reward due to their deceased
brother for his services, RESOLVED, That the auditor-general be directed
issue one or more certificates to the administrator or representatives
of the said
Edward Butt for the said sum of eighty-six pounds eighteen shillings and
RESOLVED, That the issues of monies out of the treasury,
till the next
session of assembly, be ordered or approved by the governor and council
as has
been hitherto practised.
WHEREAS the general assembly, on the twentieth day of
January last, by their
resolution of that day, for the reasons therein expressed, directed that
no process
should issue against he property left by Ely Alexander, late of Cæcil
deceased, until the end of the next session of assembly thereafter:
And whereas
the general assembly, on the twenty-fourth day of April last, by their