from any interest for which he may by law be liable on account of the
of taxes aforesaid; provided always, that where interest hath been received
the inhabitants of Queen-Anne's county, either by the said Vachel Downes,
any deputy collector acting under his authority, that then the said Vachel
shall be accountable to the person from whom received for all such interest,
the same may be recovered, if necessary, by action or warrant, as the
case may
be, as in other cases where money has been had and received to the use
of the
party entitled thereto.
WHEREAS the late intendant of the revenue sold several
parcels of land in
Cæcil county, formerly within the lines of Pennsylvania and Delaware,
lands, or parts thereof, the purchasers claim title to under the laws of
said states,
and the proprietors of Pennsylvania also claim a right to certain parcels
of said
land; RESOLVED, That no proceedings be had against the purchasers before
end of the next session of assembly, and that when the claims above mentioned
are adjusted, patents may issue on such lands as this state had a right
in, any defect
in the authority of the late intendant to sell the same to the contrary
RESOLVED, That drawbacks shall be allowed to original
on duties payable in virtue of the act of April session, 1787, chap,
in the same manner as directed by the act of November session, 1784,
chap, 76,
sect. 7.
RESOLVED, That continental state and state money ought
not to be received
in payment of duties imposed by the act for the erecting light-houses upon
Chesapeake Bay and Patowmack river.
THE joint committee appointed to inquire into the issuing,
during the course
of last winter and spring, from the continental loan-office in this state,
of some
part of the four tenths of the continental state money reserved to
congress, and
to devise such means as might by them be deemed most effectual to prevent
state sustaining any injury and loss by the issuing of such money as aforesaid,
leave to report, that they find, on inquiry, that there has been issued
from the
continental loan-office, in virtue of orders drawn by the commissioners
of the
board of treasury, in the months of December and March last, the sum
54642 and 47/00ths continental state dollars; whereupon
your committee came to
the following resolutions, which are submitted to the consideration of
both houses.
RESOLVED, That so much of the monies arising from assessment
and duties
appropriated to congress, being equal to the sum of continental state money
on the orders aforesaid, and the interest thereof, be appropriated
to such uses as
the general assembly shall hereafter direct.
RESOLVED, That the delegates from this state to congress
be directed and instructed
to apply to congress for information by what authority the aforesaid sum
of 54642 47/00ths continental state dollars was issued
from the continental loan-office
in this state, whether by any recent order or resolution of congress, or
merely by the authority of the commissioners of the board of treasury
of the
United States, in virtue of some agreement or contract by them entered
into on
behalf of the United States with private persons.
RESOLVED, That if the aforesaid sum was issued merely
by the authority of
the said commissioners, that the delegates be directed to move in congress,
the said commissioners appear before congress, and there declare the nature
terms of the contract by them entered into, and with what persons, and
an authenticated copy of said contract, and make known the names of the
who first applied to the said commissioners for the issuing of the said
state money from the continental loan-office in this state, and declare
nature and extent of the terms first proposed by such person, and lay
before congress
a copy of said terms or propositions, if reduced to writing, and preserved
in the board of treasury of the United States.
RESOLVED, That the delegates aforesaid be directed and
instructed to obtain
information from congress, whether any part of the four tenths of the
state money reserved to the use of the United States has been lately drawn