fairly made, and the said price the value thereof; that the said Daniel
afterwards sold the lands to a certain Paul Dorst, who sold the same to
said Thomas Morton, who has made considerable advances and payments on
account of the said purchase; |
S. Griffith
empowered to
make a deed,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the said Susanna
Hunter, now Susanna Griffith, be and is hereby empowered and directed
to make
a deed of conveyance of the said lands to the said Thomas Morton and his
in as full and ample manner as she could or might have done had she been
and directed to execute the same by the last will and testament of the
Henry Hunter; provided nevertheless, that the said Thomas Morton complies
with the terms of the said purchase, and gives bond with good security
to such
guardian as shall be legally appointed for the said children to pay their
proportions of the money on the sale of the said lands. |
Passed May
21. |
An ACT for vesting an estate for life in Henry Rozer, and estates
in fee-simple in Eleanor Rozer, the daughter of Thomas
Rozer, deceased, and in the heirs of Notley Rozer, son
of the said Henry Rozer, in sundry lands therein mentioned. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS Henry Rozer, of Prince-George's county,
and Eleanor
his wife, Francis Hall, of Queen-Anne's county, and Martha his
wife, (which said Eleanor and Martha are the daughters and coheirs
of Edward Neale, of Queen-Anne's county, deceased,) and Eleanor Rozer,
younger, widow of Thomas Whittenhall Rozer, on behalf of her daughter
Eleanor Rozer, did, by their petition to this general assembly, set forth,
the said Henry Rozer and Eleanor his wife, in right of the said Eleanor,
seized of the following lands, to wit, Aquonsick, and Aquonsick Enlarged,
in Charles county, and contiguous to each other, containing in the whole
one thousand one hundred and eleven acres more or less, and also of a moiety
half part of a tract of land called or known by the name of Bennett's Lowe,
situate in Kent county, containing in the whole one thousand four hundred
more or less; and that the said Henry Rozer and Eleanor his wife, having,
among other children, Notley Rozer, their eldest son, an three other
sons, to
wit, Henry, Edward, and the aforesaid Thomas Whittenhall Rozer, they did,
by deed of bargain and sale, bearing date to or about the nineteenth day
of September,
in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine, convey
the said lands to the said Edward Neale, his heirs and assigns, to
hold the
same to the use of the said Henry Rozer the father, for and during the
term of
twenty-one years, and if he survived the expiration of the said term, then
his life; and after and upon the determination of the said term and life
the said lands called Aquonsick and Aquonsick Enlarged, with their appurtenances,
were to be and inure to the use of Henry Rozer, the son of the said
Henry Rozer the father, and Eleanor his wife, his heirs and assigns for
ever, and
the moiety of the said land called Bennett's Lowe, was to be and inure
to the use
of Edward Rozer, son of the said Henry Rozer the father, and Eleanor his
his heirs and assigns for ever, but in case of the deaths of either the
said Henry
Rozer or Edward Rozer, the sons aforesaid, before the age of twenty-one
then and in that case the land, with its appurtenances, of him so dying
was to be and inure to the said Thomas Whittenhall Rozer, deceased, the
son of the said Henry Rozer and Eleanor his wife, his heirs and assigns
for ever.
The petitioners further set forth, that the said Edward Rozer the son,
without issue, under the age of twenty-one years, in the life-time of his
brother Henry, and that the said Henry the son, survived his age of twenty-one
years, and died without issue, and without making any disposition of the
tracts of land called Aquonsick and Aquonsick Enlarged; that the said Thomas
Whittenhall Rozer, having survived both his said brothers Henry and
intermarried with the petitioner, Edward Rozer the younger, by whom he
issue the said infant daughter, named Eleanor, his only child; that the
Notley Rozer, the eldest son, survived his brothers Henry and Edward, and
afterwards |