V. Provided always,
That this act shall be deemed, construed and understood,
to extend only to debts or sums of money or tobacco due on contract,
and not to actions of replevin, detinue, trover and conversion, or slander,
or to
actions of trespass, or for assault and battery, or imprisonment, or
to such actions
where the title or boundaries of land shall and may come in question. |
Proviso. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That the justices of the several county courts within
this state, shall not hold plea in the said courts of any debt or damage
shall not exceed ten pounds current money, or one thousand pounds of tobacco,
any law, usage or custom, to the contrary notwithstanding. |
Justices not to
hold plea, &c. |
VII. This act to continue and be in force
for the same time that the original
act shall continue and be in force. |
Continuance. |
An ACT for the relief of Peter Green and Bennett Hamilton of
Charles county. |
Passed May
21. |
WHEREAS Peter Green and Bennett Hamilton, of Charles
have, by their humble petition, set forth, that they became securities
for a certain Edward Green, junior, one of the deputy-collectors of
Charles Mankin, late sheriff of said county; that the said Edward Green,
has become a defaulter, and that the said Charles Mankin hath brought suit
against the said Edward, and the petitioners, his securities, and obtained
a judgement
in Charles county court, April term, seventeen hundred and eighty-six;
that there remains due on the said judgment the sum of eight hundred pounds
current money, which the petitioners have superseded until the tenth day
of February
lsat, and that the said Edward Green refuses to give up his books as collector
aforesaid, on which books it is alleged there are balances due and
from the inhabitants of said county to the amount of four hundred pounds
upwards, which balances the said Edward Green continues to collect and
to appropriate
the money arising therefrom to his own use, to the further injury of
petitioners; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the said Peter
Green and Bennett Hamilton are hereby authorised and empowered to take
the possession the books of accounts of the said Edward Green, junior,
as deputy-collector
aforesaid, and to collect the balances due therein from the inhabitants
of Charles county, in as full and ample manner as the said Edward Green,
junior, might or could do had this act never been passed to the contrary. |
P. Green,
&c. to take
possession of
books, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That all payments made to the said Edward Green,
junior, after notice of this act, shall be null and void, and the said
Peter Green
and Bennett Hamilton, their executors, administrators or assigns, shall
have full
power and authority to recover any sum or sums of money so paid of the
or persons paying the same, they the said Peter Green and Bennett Hamilton
giving public notice by advertisements to be set up in the most public
places in
the district of said county for which the said Edward Green was deputy-collector,
of the passage of this act in their favour. |
Certain payments
and void, &c. |
An ACT for the relief of Thomas Morton of Montgomery
county. |
Passed May
21. |
WHEREAS it appears to this general assembly, that
Henry Hunter, by
his last will and testament, directed his executor to sell certain lands,
and the monies arising from the sale thereof to be distributed in the
proportion of one third to his wife Susanna, and two thirds to his children;
that Daniel Hunter, the said executor, declined acting as such, and that
the wife and widow of the said Henry, took out letters of administration
the will annexed; that the said Susanna, as administratrix with the said
annexed, sold and disposed of the said lands to the said Daniel Hunter
for one
thousand three hundred and fifty pounds; that the said sale was publicly
and |
Preamble. |