II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the election, vestrymen
and churchwardens, on Easter Monday last, and the proceedings of the
said vestry of Saint Peter's parish, be and they are hereby revived and
and made as good and valid in law, to all intents and purposes, as if the
vestrymen and churchwardens had been elected on the said Easter Monday
in the
year seventeen hundred and eighty-six, and that the said vestry shall have
as full
and ample powers in all things as if the election had been made on Easter
in the year seventeen hundred and eighty-six, agreeably to the law to establish
select vestries. |
made valid,
&c. |
An additional supplement to the act to prevent the exportation of
unmerchantable tobacco. |
Passed May
15. |
WHEREAS many of the inspctors of tobacco at the
several warehouses
within this state have refused to inspect parcels of tobacco and to
grant transfer notes for the same; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That when any tobacco
shall hereafter be brought in parcels to any warehouse in this state, appointed
law for the public reception and inspection of tobacco, the inspector or
are hereby directed carefully to view and examine the same, and if found
to be in
good condition and merchantable, to weigh and render to the owner thereof
many transfer notes as he or she may require, to the amount of the quantity
examined and weighed, which notes shall be current, and received in payment
and satisfaction of all contracts for tobacco, and judgments and decrees
on contracts
for tobacco, subject to the usual deduction of six per cent. when
paid or received
in lieu of crop tobacco, and of ten per cent. when paid or received
in lieu of
crop tobacco clear of cask, according to the terms and intention of
the contract,
judgment or decree, as the case may be, and shall be transferrable from
one to
another in all such tobacco payments, and shall be paid and satisfied by
the inspector
or inspectors who signed the same, upon demand, and the said inspector
or inspectors shall and are hereby obliged to make every hogshead by him
or them
paid away in discharge of notes given by him or them as aforesaid,
to contain
nine hundred pounds of net tobacco at least; and for every such hogshead
of tobacco
by him or them paid away, well lined and nailed in fit order for shipping,
there shall be paid by the person receiving such hogshead the sum of nine
and four-pence for cask and nails, and the person demanding or receiving
in discharge of notes as aforesaid, shall allow the inspector or inspectors
pounds of tobacco per hundred, and in proportion for any greater or smaller
quantity, for shrinkage and waste, if the said tobacco be paid at any time
within two
months after the date of the note or notes given for teh same, and one
pound of
tobacco for every hundred for every month in which the same shall be unpaid
after the said allowance, so as such all wance for shrinkage and waste
does not
exceed in the whole six pounds for every hundred pounds of tobacco; and
if any
inspector or inspectors, by whom any such notes for tobacco as aforesaid
shall be
signed, shall refuse or dealy to pay and satisfy the same when demanded,
inspector so refusing or delaying shall forfeit and pay to the party injured
the value of the tobacco so refused or delayed to be paid, to be recovered
costs, if the note or notes so refused or delated to be paid exceed six
pounds of tobacco, and if the note or notes do not exceed six hundred pounds
tobacco, double teh value shall and may be recovered before any justice
of the
peace of the county wherein the warehouse shall be, at whcih the note
or notes
ought to be paid. |
brought in
parcels to be
viewed, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the owner of any transfer notes may at any time
receive and mark hogsheads of tobacco for satisfying such notes; and the
or inspectors shall take in his or their former notes, and deliver crop
notes and receipts
for such hogsheads, and shall be answerable for the safe keeping thereof
the same manner as they are for crop tobacco, but the person receiving
hogshead shall pay to the inspector the sum of nine shillings and four-pence
for |
Owner of
transfer notes
may mark
&c. |