VII. |
hundred and eighty-three, and hath fully discharged the sums due from
him to
this state without any allowance for insolvents, but, being unable
to make his
collections within the several times limited by law, remains liable
for interest on
large sums thereof, for which a judgment hath been obtained, and his
executed; and it appearing reasonable to this general assembly, that the
said WIlliam
Marsh Catrup should, under the circumstances of his case, be released from
the payment of the said interest; |
Payment of
interest released,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the said William
Marsh Catrup be, and he is hereby released from the payment of any interest
on the sums aforesaid, by reason of the judgment and execution aforesaid,
and that so much of his property as hath been seized or taken in execution
that account, be returned to him. |
Passed May
15. |
An ACT for the relief of Jane Nicols. |
Preamble. |
FORASMUCH as Jane Nicols, executrix of the late
Thomas Nicols, of
Saint-Mary's county, hath, by her humble petition to this general assembly,
set forth, that her late husband, the said Thomas Nicols, was,
during the late war, inspector of tobacco at Chaptico warehouse, in said
and that there yet remain, in the said warehouse, eleven hogsheads of tobacco
his inspection, in a ruinous situation, and which must, in a short time,
be utterly
unfit for exportation; and that since her husband's death, notes have been
for several hogsheads which could not be found in said warehouse, and
which she has been compelled to pay, whereby she has suffered very much
in her
circumstances; and if the quantity of tobacco in the warehouse, inspected
her late husband, should remain there much longer, and notes be hereafter
the tobacco must be unmerchantable, and she, if compelled to make
good the loss, efectually ruined; and praying that a law might pass, enabling
her to dispose of the said eleven hogsheads of tobacco at public vendue,
and that
all such persons as may hereafter produce notes for tobacco inspected
by her late
husband, shall be only entitled to the average price for which said tobacco
and this general assembly thinking the prayer of the said petition just
and reasonable;
therefore, |
Jane Nicols
to sell tobacco,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the said Jane
Nicols, on her giving bond, with sufficient security in double the
value of the said
eleven hogsheads of tobacco, to the state of Maryland, which security shall
approved by the court of Saint Mary's county, conditioned for the faithful
effectual payment of any note of her late husband, the said Thomas Nicols,
which may hereafter be produced; an on the said eleven hogsheads being
by single hogshead, after public notice given at least one day before the
on the second or third day of the next June or September courts, that then
in such case the said Jane Nicols, her heirs, executors or administrators,
only be compelled to pay the average price for which said tobacco sells,
to the
person or persons who may hereafter produce a note or notes of her late
the said Thomas Nicols, for the said eleven hogsheads of tobacco, any law
to the
contrary notwithstanding. |
Passed May
15. |
An ACT to revive and make valid the proceedings of the vestry
of Saint Peter's parish in Talbot county. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS the vestry and inhabitants of Saint Peter's
parish, in Talbot
county, neglected to meet and elect vestrymen and churchwardens
for the said parish, on Easter Monday, in the year seventeen hundred
and eighty-six, agreeably to law: And whereas the said vestry and
inhabitants of
the said parish did meet on Easter Monday last, and elect vestrymen and
in manner as required by the law for the establishment of select
vestries; |