III. And be it
enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid may appoint one
of their number as treasurer, who is hereby enjoined and empowered to collect
and receive all monies subscribed, or that may be subscribed for the purpose
laying out and clearing the said roads, and such subscribers are hereby
directed to
pay their several subscriptions to the treasurer appointed as aforesaid;
and if any
person shall refuse or neglect to pay his subscription money, the said
treasurer, or
any of the said commissioners in the name of the whole, may and is hereby
to sue for, recover and receive, the same; and the said monies, when
received, shall be applied by the said commissioners, or any two of
them, to the
purposes of this act. |
Who may appoint
a treasurer,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid shall ascertain and
value what damages may be sustained by persons through whose lands the
roads may pass, by occasion thereof, and in case any proprietor or proprietors,
their guardian or trustee, shall conceive themselves aggrieved by the valuation
of the commissioners of the damages to be sustained by opening the said
through their land, that it shall and may be lawful for any justice of
the peace for
Anne-Arundel county, on application for that purpose by any person interested,
to issue his warrant under hand and seal, directed to any constable of
said county,
commanding him to summon five freeholders to appear on a day by him to
appointed on the land aforesaid, who on oath shall estimate and value
the said
damages, and return the same to the said justice of the peace aforesaid,
valuation, so made and returned, shall be conclusive, and the party or
parties in
whose favour the said valuation shall be made, shall be entitle to receive
same from the said commissioners, and which shall be paid by the said commissioners,
within six months after the said valuation, out of the subscription money
received and collected, to the person or persons, or his, her, or their
or guardians, suffering such injury and damage. |
And ascertain
damages, &c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the said roads shall not go through any orchard,
garden or meadow, unless by and with the consent of the owner thereof. |
Not to go
through orchards,
&c. |
An ACT to make valid the proceedings of the commissioners of
the tax for Dorchester county. |
Passed May
15. |
WHEREAS it appears to this legislature, that the
commissioners of the
tax for Dorchester county were prevented from performing the duties
required by the several acts of assembly for raising the supplies for the
year seventeen hundred and eighty-six, on the days mentioned in the
said acts (by
not having received the laws in due time), but that the duties were performed
soon thereafter as was in the power of the said commissioners; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That all matters and
proceedings performed by the commissioners aforesaid, in pursuance of the
acts of assembly to raise the supplies for the year seventeen hundred and
shall be effectual and valid as if they had been performed on the days,
and at
the times, mentioned in the said acts. |
made valid,
&c. |
III. And,
whereas the commissioners aforesaid may be liable to certain fines
and forfeitures for not performing sundry required to be done and performed
by them on the particular days mentioned in the said several acts to
raise the supplies
for the year seventeen hundred and eighty-six, Be
it enacted, That the
commissioners aforesaid are exonerated, saved harmless and discharged,
from all
fines, forfeitures and penalties, which they have incurred, in all
matters relating
to the said several acts to raise the supplies for the year seventeen
hundred and
eighty-six. |
&c. |