I. |
the memorialist, John Brown, on account of the mortgage aforesaid; but
said sale, contract and bond, were made and given under the declaration
of an
intention to apply to the general assembly for redress; that the said William
has, during the whole of the late war, been constantly engaged in the
service of this state and the United States, to the great neglect and injury
of his
private fortune, and prayed that a law might pass, vesting in the said
Carmichael the title to the said land, and releasing the memorialists from
obligation, given as aforesaid in behalf of the said William Carmichael:
whereas this general assembly are fully satisfied that the facts set forth
in said
memorial are true, and are willing and desirous that the prayer of said
be granted, and the title of the said William Carmichael be secured and
quieted; |
Land vested
in W. Carmichael,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the said
William Carmichael, his heirs and assigns, be and are hereby declared to
vested with all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and
demand, whatsoever,
which this state hath, or of right ought to have, of, unto, or out of,
said land called Rousby's Recovery; and that the bond given as aforesaid
by the
memorialists, in behalf of the said William Carmichael, be and it is hereby
and declared to be null and void to all intents and purposes whatsoever,
any law to the contrary notwithstanding, on his the said William Carmichael's
repaying to the treasurer of the western shore the commission, if any,
and all
other expences incurred by the state in the disposition and sale of
the said property,
made on behalf of the state. |
Passed May
15. |
An ACT for laying out roads from Snell's bridge and Green's
bridge, on Patuxent, to the bridge over Patapsco falls,
Elicott's lower mills. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS a number of the inhabitants of Frederick,
and Anne-Arundel counties, have represented to this general assembly,
that they suffer great inconvenience in transporting their produce
market for want of a good road from Snell's bridge over Patuxent river,
Anne-Arundel county, to the bridge over Patapsco falls, near Ellicott's
mills, and a road from where Green's bridge now stands over Patuxent, to
into the aforesaid road where it may be found most convenient; and that
a subscription
is opened, and a considerable sum is already subscribed towards making
the said roads, which subscription is intended to be continued till
a sufficient sum
is raised to complete the said work, without laying the public at large
under any
expence; and prayed that commissioners may be appointed to lay out the
roads in the most advantageous manner, and to answer best the purposes
thereby, and that the said commissioners be empowered to judge of the disadvantages
accruing to the proprietors of the land through which the said roads may
pass; and further, that they may be authorised to receive the subscription
aforesaid, and apply it to paying the damages sustained by the proprietors
and to laying out and clearing the said roads; and that the said roads,
so laid out, may be established as public roads for ever; all which appearing
reasonable and proper, |
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That Richard Green,
Nathaniel Owings and John Ellicott, or any two of them, be and they are
hereby appointed commissioners, and are hereby authorised to lay off as
at the expence of the subscribers, a waggon road forty-nine and a half
feet wide,
from Snell's bridge over Patuxent river, to the bridge over Patapsco falls,
Ellicott's lower mills, in the most convenient direction, and also a road
and a half feet wide, from Green's bridge over Patuxent river, to lead
into the
aforesaid road where it may be found most convenient; which said roads,
so laid out, and the damages to individuals paid, shall be deemed and taken
to be
public roads for ever, and shall be cleared and completed at the expence
of the
subscribers, agreeably to the petition aforesaid. |