RESOLUTIONS assented to
which such taxes were payable; and that such certificates were not directly
indirectly furnished to or for the parties, or to or for any of them, by
such collector,
or by any other person for him: And that no collector shall have
a credit
for any certificates suggested to be received after the sixth day of December
aforesaid, for the taxes aforesaid, unless he shall return two lists of
all the certificates
for which he shall request a credit, with their numbers, dates and sums,
and the names of the persons from whom received, and make oath, to be administered
by either of the treasurers, to be endorsed on said list, that the certificates
mentioned in such list, and requested to be allowed such collector, were,
without any deceit or fraud, received in payment of the assessment due
on the
property in his county in the years aforesaid, and from the person named
in such
list, except only change, if any given on the receipt of the said certificates,
which case he gave certificates in change as far as in his power, and money
for the balance; and that such certificates were not directly or indirectly
to or for the parties, or to or for any of them, by such collector, or
by any
other person for him.
RESOLVED, That the orphans court of Charles county
be authorised and
empowered to draw on the treasurer of the western shore, in favour of James
Taylor, a maimed militia soldier not heretofore provided for by law, for
the lawful
provision allowed to maimed soldiers, to commence from the first day of
October, 1786.
ON the second reading the account of captain John Hamilton,
That the auditor-general be authorised and empowered to pass the account
captain John Hamilton, late agent for the Maryland line, for the sum of
pounds ten shillings current money, and charge the same to the United States,
agreeably to the resolve of congress of the 27th of May, 1785; and that
governor and council be authorised and empowered to draw an order on the
shore treasurer for the amount.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be
authorised and
required to make Simon Nicholls, late collector of the tax for Montgomery
county, the following allowances in the settlement of his account, to wit:
On account
of William Benson, for two hundred eighteen and a half bushels of wheat
delivered at his mill, the sum of eighty-one pounds eighteen shillings
and nine-pence;
on account of Charles Cheney, for sixty-nine and a half bushels wheat
delivered at his mill, the sum of twenty-six pounds one shilling and three-pence;
on account of Walter Beall, for thirteen and a half bushels of wheat delivered
his mill, the sum of five pounds one shilling and three-pence; in the whole
amounting to one hundred and thirteen pounds one shilling and three-pence
money; and that the several vouchers be delivered to the treasurer, and
he be required immediately to call on the above persons for payment.
ON the second reading of the report on the petition
of Sarah Buchanan the
widow, and the securities, of Archibald Buchanan, deceased, RESOLVED, That
all further proceedings on the executions issued for the state against
the real property
of the said Buchanan shall be and are hereby suspended until the end of
this present session of the general assembly.
ON the second reading the report on the petition of
Robert Long, RESOLVED,
That the treasurer of the western shore set off and discount all interest
due to
this state from the said Robert Long on any bond or bonds passed by
him for the
purchase of confiscated property, out of the sum of six hundred and eighty-seven
pounds five shillings and nine-pence due to him according to the said report,
that the said treasurer give a certificate or certificates to him for the
residue; and
that the said certificate or certificates be payable and received for interest
for confiscated property sold, or for public assessments due, or to
become due.