Passed January
20. |
An ACT to authorise Baltimore county court to grant a new trial
in the case therein mentioned. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
that Sarah Hall,
wife of Philip Hall, was indicted at Baltimore county May court,
seventeen hundred and eighty-four, for a forcible entry on a lot of
ground in Baltimore-town, in the possession of a certain Daniel Lamott,
that the said Sarah was found guilty on the said indictment at Baltimore
court, seventeen hundred and eighty-six, and in consequence f such conviction,
incurred very heavy costs, for which he is now a prisoner: And whereas
four of
the justices of the said court have certified, that they attended as justices
of the
said court at the trial of Sarah on the said indictment, and that in their
opinion the said Sarah was aggrieved by the verdict given on the said indictment,
and that on motion for a new trial, the said justices would have granted
the same
without costs, if they had conceived they had authority to grant a new
trial on
the said indictment; |
Justices to set
aside the verdict,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the justices of
the said county court be authorised to set aside the verdict given on the
said indictment
against the said Sarah Hall, and to grant a new trial without costs of
the former trial, if they think justice requires that a new trial should
be had on
the said indictment, provided application be made to the said court for
such new
trial at the next county court to be held for the said county; and the
costs already
incurred, or to be incurred, on such new trial, shall depend on the event
such second trial. |
Passed January
20. |
An ACT to settle and pay the civil list, and other expences of
civil government. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS those who dedicate their time, abilities
and labour, to the
public, ought to receive a reasonable and adequate compensation for
their services; |
Officers salaries. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the several officers
of civil government for the time being, shall be entitled to receive at
rate of the following salaries in current money, for the ensuing year,
to wit:
Each member of the council seventy-five pounds, for the performance
of the
duties required by the constitution and form of government, the chancellor,
judge of the land-office, one hundred pounds, the treasurer of the western
five hundred pounds, the deputy-treasurer of the western shore two hundred
and fifty pounds, the treasurer of the eastern shore one hundred and fifty
the auditor three hundred and fifty pounds, the deputy-auditor one hundred
twenty-five pounds, the clerk of the council two hundred pounds, the clerk
the senate thirty pounds, the clerk of the house of delegates seventy-five
the clerk of the court of appeals thirty pounds, the printer to the state
hundred and seventy-five pounds, the messenger to the council thirty pounds. |
To be paid
quarterly. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the said salaries shall be paid quarterly out of
the arrearages of the taxes due for the year seventeen hundred and eighty-six. |
Allowance to
delegates in
congress, &c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That each delegate to congress from this state shall
be allowed thirty-five shillings current money for every day he shall
attend, or be
on his journey to or from congress, in full satisfaction for all expences;
and this
allowance shall be constantly paid out of any public money in the treasury
specially appropriated to other purposes; and the delegates are required
not to
attend in congress more than three at the same time, unless on very important
occasions. |