ends, many of the petitioners have already experienced great injury
not being able to get their tobacco inspected without attending a second
sometimes a third time for the purpose; and that in the busiest season
for shipping
off tobacco, craft are often detained, and sometimes ships, to the
great injury
of trade; wherefore they have prayed, that an act may pass for establishing
one more inspection for tobacco at George-town aforesaid; And whereas the
establishing an inspection of tobacco at the city of Annapolis, would facilitate
the tobacco trade, Be it enacted,
That the commissioners of the tax for Montgomery
and Anne-Arundel counties may, and they are hereby authorised, empowered
and directed, upon application made to them by any person or persons,
to determine and fix upon, and lay out agreeably to the act to prevent
the exportation
of unmerchantable tobacco, the most proper place in said towns, to
build and erect one warehouse in each town, for the reception and inspection
tobacco, and also appoint one or two inspectors for each or either of said
provided such person or persons making such application shall build and
erect the same at his or their own expence or expences, so that the same
at George-town be sufficient to contain and secure one thousand hogsheads,
and that the said warehouse at Annapolis be sufficient to contain the tobacco
may be brought to the same, and furnishing scales, weights, prizes, and
all other
things that shall be necessary for that purpose, and that the like payments
by the
hogshead shall be made at the said two inspections as are to be made
under the
said last mentioned act at inspections established under the same act. |
to appoint
places, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the inspector or inspectors appointed at each of
said warehouses, shall take an oath or affirmation, as the case may be,
as in other
cases is required by the said act; and the person or persons undertaking
to build
such warehouse shall give bond with security, to be approved of by the
commissioners of the tax for his county, with condition to perform
his contract
in building said warehouse, and keeping the same in repair, and also providing
weights, scales and prizes, and other things necessary for inspecting tobacco
said warehouse, the said bond to be proved and recorded as is directed
by the said
act with regard to other bonds. |
Inspectors to
take an oath,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the said two warehouses shall be deemed public
warehouses, and the inspection of tobacco there, and all duties and regulations
concerning the same, shall be observed as if the same warehouses had been
by virtue of the said first mentioned act. |
deemed public,
&c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the said two inspectors at George-town, and
the said inspector at Annapolis, shall be appointed in the manner inspectors
to be appointed by the said last mentioned act, and shall be subject to
the same
rules and regulations; and the said inspectors at George-town and Annapolis,
shall have salaries to be ascertained and paid in like manner as inspectors
are to be ascertained and paid by law; and in the stamping and branding
hogsheads of tobacco passed at the said warehouse at George-town, the words
New George-town shall be stamped and branded thereon, to distinguish the
there inspected from that inspected at the old warehouse at George-town
aforesaid. |
How inspectors
shall be
&c. |
VI. And,
whereas it is represented, that from the very small quantity of tobacco
brought to the warehouse at Otter-point, in Harford county, it is unnecessary
for the inspector to attend at the said warehouse above one day in each
week, from the first of May to the first of September, Be
it enacted, That the
said inspector shall not be obliged to attend at the said warehouse above
one day
in each week, between the times before mentioned. |
And when
attend. |
VII. This act, so far as relates to the said
inspections at George-town and Annapolis,
to continue one year, and until the end of the next session of assembly
which shall happen thereafter. |
Continuance. |