for which, on the final casting up of the polls a majority of legal
votes shall
appear, shall be the place where the court-house and prison of said county
be erected, and shall forever be deemed and taken to be the true and proper
place where the courts and elections of the said county shall for ever
be held. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the justices of Harford county are hereby authorised
and required, if a majority of votes should appear in favour of Havre-de-Grace,
to purchase in fee a quantity of land, not exceeding two acres, within
the said town, for the purpose of building thereon a court-house and prison
the said county, and shall cause the said land to be laid out by the surveyor
of the
county with good and sufficient boundaries, and a certificate thereof to
be delivered
to the clerk of the county, to be by him recorded; and the said justices
shall pay the purchase money out of the money collected by act of assembly
the building a court-house and prison in said county, and on payment of
purchase money, the said land shall become the property of the said county
ever; and if the said justices and the owner of the land cannot agree on
the price
thereof, or the owner shall be under any disability to contract for the
sale thereof,
the said justices are authorised to order the sheriff of Harford county
to summon
twelve freeholders on the said land, who shall be empannelled and sworn
as a jury,
to inquire the value of the said land, and the said justices shall pay
the sum declared
by the said jury to be the value of the land out of the money aforesaid,
and thereupon the property in the said land shall be vested in the said
county for
ever for the purposes aforesaid. |
Justices to
purchase land,
&c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the said justices of Harford county be authorised
to rent, at the expence of the county, such house or houses at the place
to be
ascertained agreeably to this act, as they may think proper, in which to
hold the
courts for the said county, and to keep the books, papers and records thereof
until the court-house shall be built; and the said justices may also procure,
at the
county charge, some fit, convenient and safe building, at the place
to be ascertained
agreeably to this act, for the custody of debtors and prisoners, until
prison for the said county shall be built, and ready for the reception
of debtors
and prisoners. |
Rent houses,
&c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That the justices of Harford county be empowered
and required to contract as soon as may be for the building of a court-house
prison at the place determined on by election as aforesaid, an to pay the
thereof out of the money already collected for that purpose, or any
money collected for the use of the said county unappropriated; and the
said justices
are required first to agree for the erecting a prison for the said county,
to apply as much of the public money belonging to the said county as
may be
necessary for that purpose. |
And contract
for building a
&c. |
An ACT to revive and continue the proceedings of the orphans
court of Dorchester county. |
Passed January
20. |
WHEREAS the orphans court of Dorchester county was
to be held on
the second Tuesday in December, and no justices attended to call
and adjourn the same by reason of the inclemency of the weather,
whereby all process and proceedings in said court were discontinued:
For remedy
whereof, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That every action, process
and proceeding, depending in the said court on the second Tuesday of December
aforesaid, shall be and is hereby revived and continued until the second
in February next, and on the said day every action, process and proceeding,
shall stand and be in the same state and condition, to all intents and
purposes, as
the same were in the said second Tuesday of December aforesaid; and the
orphans court, on the second Tuesday in February, seventeen hundred and
eighty-seven, |
Actions, &c.
revived, &c. |