such machine for carding cotton or wool, or for spinning them, or either
them, without a licence in writing first had and obtained from the
said Robert
Lemmon, his executors, administrators or assigns, or shall purchase
machine or machines as aforesaid, within the term aforesaid, made by
any other
person than the said Robert Lemmon, his executors, administrators or
assigns, or by some person lincensed by him or them for that purpose,
such person
so making, constructing or vending such machine or machines, or buying
same, or either of them, shall forfeit and pay to the said Robert Lemmon,
executors, administrators or assigns, the sum of fifty pounds current
money, to
be recovered in any court of record in an action of debt founded upon
this act;
provided always, that if on any action brought for the recovery of
the said penalty,
it shall be proved that the said Robert Lemmon was not the original
of the machine, for the making, selling, or purchasing of which, such
shall be brought, that the jury shall find their verdict for the defendant,
and such
defendant shall recover his costs. |
Passed January
20. |
An ACT to determine by election whether the court-house and
prison of Harford county shall be erected at Bell-air
or at Havre-de-Grace. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS sundry inhabitants of Harford county have
petitioned this
general assembly for a law to remove the seat of justice in said county
from Bell-air to Havre-de-Grace, and sundry other inhabitants of
said county have remonstrated against the said petition, and prayed
that the seat
of justice therein should continue at the place already established
by law: And
whereas it appears to this general assembly to be right and proper
that the said
dispute should be finally determined by an election of the people,
to which the
said parties have consented: Therefore, |
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That John Archer,
Benedict E. Hall, William Smith, (Bay-side) John Taylor and Jesse Jarrett,
and any two or more of them, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners
for the purpose of holding an election in the said county, to ascertain
whether the
court-house and prison of said county shall be erected at Bell-air
or Havre-de-Grace,
and they, or any two of them, shall hold the said election at Bell-air
the first Monday in April next, and all persons qualified by the constitution
form of government to vote for delegates for said county, shall have a
right of
suffrage in the said election; and the said commissioners, and any two
or more of
them, shall be the judges of the election, and may adjourn from day to
day, if
necessary, till the same be finished, so that it be concluded in six days;
and the
said commissioners shall summon two justices of the peace, who are hereby
to attend for the preservation of the peace; and the said commissioners
shall appoint a clerk or clerks to take the votes agreeably to the directions
of this
act, wo shall, before he or they proceed to act, take the following oath
or affirmation,
as the case may be, to wit: " I, A. B. do swear, or solemnly, sincerely
" and truly declare and affirm, that I will well and faithfully, without
" affection or partiality execute the office of clerk of the elections
under the
" act to determine by election whether the court-house and prison of Harford
" county shall be erected at Bell-air or at Havre-de-Grace, according to
the best
" of my judgment and knowledge. So help me God:" And the
said commissioners,
before they proceed to receive any votes, shall take an oath, that they
will permit all persons to vote at the election to be held in virtue of
this act,
who in their judgment are qualified to vote for delegates for said county,
that they will not permit any person to vote who is not qualified as aforesaid,
such person, before his voting, shall be objected against by three of the
and that they will in all things execute the office of judges of the
said election,
according to the best of their knowledge, without favour, affection, or
partiality. |
Votes to be received
for two
places only,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the said commissioners shall receive no votes for
any other place or places than Bell-Air and Havre-de-Grace, and that the
place |