X. |
whatsoever; and no register of wills as aforesaid shall exact, extort,
demand, take,
accept or receive, from any person whatsoever, any fee or fees, gratuity,
gift or
reward, for giving his advice in any matter or thing that will be transacted
in the
courts of the county where he acts as register aforesaid, under the penalty
of thirty
pounds current money for every such offence. |
Passed January
20. |
An ACT for erecting a town at the mouth of Conococheague
creek, in Washington county. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly
by Otho Holland
Williams, that he is possessed of part of a tract of land called Ross's
Purchase, and of a tract of land adjoining thereto called Leeds, contiguous
to the mouth of Conococheague creek, and that, from the advantages of
navigation from the head branches of Patowmack river to the mouth of Conococheague,
and the great prospect of the navigation of the said river being extended
to tide water, on the application of many of the inhabitants of Washington
he hath been encouraged and induced to lay out part of the said tracts
into a town,
and hath contracted with the commissioners of the said county to build
a warehouse
on the said land, an to furnish scales and weights for the inspection of
and an inspector is already appointed; and prayed a law to lay out and
erect a town on the said lands, and to secure the purchasers of lots in
the said
town, reserving the right of the proprietors and their interest in the
said lands;
and this general assembly are of opinion, that the erecting a town at the
of the said creek may be convenient and beneficial to the public; |
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That Thomas Hart,
Thomas Brooke, Moses Rawlings, Richard Pindell and Alexander Clagett, or
any three or more of them, be and are hereby appointed commissioners
to survey
a quantity of land, not exceeding one hundred and fifty acres, being part
of a
tract of land called Ross's Purchase, and another called Leeds, contiguous
the mouth of Conococheague creek, in Washington county, and the same, when
surveyed, to lay out into lots, streets, lanes and alleys, (the main streets
east and west, or nearly so, not to be less than eighty feet wide, and
the streets
crossing the said main streets not to be less than sixty-six feet wide)
to be erected
into a town, and to be called and known by the name of Williams's Port,
and a
correct and accurate certificate and plot thereof return to the clerk of
county court, who is hereby required to record the same among the land
of the said county, and to keep the original plot in his office, and a
from the original, or the record thereof, shall be conclusive evidence
as to the
bounds and lines of the lots of the said town, and of the streets, lanes
and alleys
thereof. |
Lots to be
bounded, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the said commissioners, or a major part of them,
shall cause the said lots in the said town to be substantially and fairly
and numbered, and they and their successors are hereby required, from time
time, to take care that the said boundaries be constantly kept up and preserved. |
How vacancies
are to be
filled. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That on the death, removal or resignation, of any of
the said commissioners, the major part of the remaining commissioners shall
another to serve in the stead of such commissioner so dying, removing or
resigning. |
to employ
a clerk, &c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the commissioners of the said town, or a major
part of them, shall have full power to employ a clerk, who shall be under
fairly and honestly to enter into a book, to be kept for that purpose,
all the proceedings
of the said commissioners relating to the said town, in which book,
among other things, shall be entered a copy of the plot and certificate
of the
said town, describing every lot by its number, and who the taker up or
was or shall be; and the said books shall always be open to the inspection
examination of the said commissioners. |