A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the relief of the
poor in the counties of Dorchester and Somerset. |
Passed January
20. |
WHEREAS doubts have been entertained whether the
justices of the
counties of Dorchester and Somerset can of right exercise the power
of levying money for the support of the poor in their respective counties
for a limited time, under an act, entitled, An act for the relief of the
in the counties of Dorchester and Somerset, passed November session, seventeen
hundred and eighty-fve: To remove the same, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the justices of the
county of Dorchester, until the end of the year seventeen hundred and eighty-eight,
and the justices of the county of Somerset, until the end of the year seventeen
hundred and eighty-nine, shall, and they are hereby empowered and
directed, to levy annually, in the usual manner, in their respective counties,
of the money to be levied for the building and providing for the poor-houses,
such sums of money as shall, to the trustees of the poor in each county
aforesaid, appear proper and necessary for the subsistence and accommodation
their poor, not exceeding seven shillings and six-pence in the hundred
which said sums, when collected, shall be paid by the collector to the
order of
such trustees, or the major part of them, under their common seal,
who are
hereby authorised and required to receive and apply the same to the use
and purposes
as is directed to be done in the ninth clause of the above recited act. |
Justices may
levy money,
&c. |
An ACT for extending and continuing South-street, in Frederick-town
in Frederick county, to the Conococheague road. |
Passed January
20. |
WHEREAS many inhabitants of Frederick-town in Frederick
and other citizens of this state, by their petition to this general
assembly have set forth, that they are put to great inconvenience
in passing to and from the county from and to South-street, in the said
by reason of the communication to the Conococheague road being interrupted
a lot of land belonging to George Pence, through which he will not consent
South-street being continued and extended; and have therefore prayed, that
Act may pass extending and continuing South-street westwardly, to strike
the Conococheague
road, on such terms as to this general assembly should seem reasonable; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the justices of
Frederick county court shall be, and are hereby empowered, to order and
the said street called South-street, in Frederick-town aforesaid, to be
laid out,
continued, and extended westwardly, till it intersects Conococheague road,
are hereby empowered and directed to value and ascertain the damages which
or may be occasioned by such road to the proprietor or proprietors of the
through which the same shall be so extended; and upon payment or tender
such damages by any person or persons to the proprietor or proprietors
the said road shall become a public road and highway. |
Street to be
laid out, &c. |
An ACT for the relief of the executors of the testament and last will
of John
Cadwalader, deceased. (A private act.) |
Passed January
20. |
An ACT to prevent any person from acting as an attorney at law
in the county where he is register of wills. |
Passed January
20. |
BE it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That from and after the
twenty-fifth day of March next, no person, being register of wills for
county in this state, shall plead as an attorney at law in any court in
county where he is register of wills, for any person or persons, on any
pretence |
Registers not
to plead as attornies,
&c. |