A commission
to be allowed,
&c. |
VII. And be it
enacted, That the governor and council be authorised
to allow the person or persons they shall appoint to execute the several
services under this act, a commission, salary, or other reward, as they
may think proper. |
Governor and
council to superintend
&c. |
VIII. And be
it enacted, That the governor and council be requested
diligently to superintend the collection of the public assessment, and
to take
care that the collectors, naval officers, and all persons authorised to
taxes, duties, or any other public money, faithfully do their duty, and
in case
of neglect, that their office bonds be put in suit as the law directs;
the governor and the council are also requested to advise and instruct
commissioners of the tax, and all persons intrusted with the collection
the public revenue, as to the execution of their several duties and offices. |
To establish a
public arsenal,
&c. |
IX. And be it
enacted, That the governor and the council be authorised
and requested to establish a public arsenal at Frederick-town in Frederick
county, for the reception of the public arms and accoutrements
lately imported; and the governor and the council are requested to direct
the lieutenants of the several counties, or the officers of the militia,
collect all the arms and ammunition, and military stores, belonging
the state in the hands of ay of the inhabitants of their county, and any
person having such arms, if he refuses to deliver the same when required,
he shall forfeit five pounds current money; and all the arms, and ammunition,
and military stores, collected on the western shore, shall be conveyed
to Frederick-town, and be there deposited and kept with the other
public arms herein before mentioned; and all arms, and ammunition, and
military stores, collected on the eastern shore, shall be conveyed to Talbot-town,
and be there deposited and kept in some fit and proper place to be
provided for that purpose; and the governor and the council are authorised
and requested to appoint an armourer at Frederick-town, and another
at Talbot-town, to take charge of, and keep in constant repair and fit
use, all public arms and accoutrements to them respectively delivered;
and the governor and the council may allow the said armourers such salary
as they may think reasonable and proper; and the expence of collecting
and conveying the public arms as above directed shall be paid by the
public; and the governor and the council are also requested to direct the
iron and brass cannon belonging to this state, to be put in some proper
place to be preserved and kept in order, and fit for service. |
And to receive
proposals from
the agent, &c. |
X. And be it
enacted, That the governor and the council be requested
to receive from the agent of this state respecting the bank stock, any
proposals of measures by him to be executed concerning the said stock,
and if they approve his proposals, and think the adoption thereof will
for the advantage of the state, they are hereby authorised and requested
to empower and instruct him to carry such measures into execution, the
said agent being always subject to their advice, instructions and control. |
Powers vested
may be exercised,
&c. |
XI. And be it
enacted, That all and any of the powers vested by this
act in the governor and the council, may be exercised by any three
or more
of them, the governor always being present and having a vote. |
Passed March.
12. |
An ACT for the payment of the journal of accounts. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it appears by the journal of accounts and
list of
debts, that there is now due from this state the sum of twelve
thousand five hundred and twenty-four pounds, seven shillings
and seven-pence, current money, |