II. And be it
enacted, That no action or prosecution hereafter shall be
commenced for the recovery of any penalty or forfeiture imposed by the
said act. |
No act shall
be commenced,
&c. |
An ACT for the relief of Edward Tilghman of the city of Philadelphia.
(A private act.) |
Passed Mar. 9. |
An ACT concerning a purchase of certain property, formerly
belonging to Henry Stevenson, made by Robert Ballard
of the commissioners of confiscated property. |
Passed Mar. 9. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the
petition of Robert Ballard, that he purchased of the commissioners
of confiscated property a parcel of land adjoining Baltimore-town,
with the dwelling-house, buildings and improvements, thereon,
late the property of Henry Stevenson, that at the time of sale he was
induced to believe, that the parcel of ground sold by the said commissioners
contained at the least eighteen acres, three rods and six perches, of
land, exclusive of that part in front of the house claimed by Mrs. Stevenson;
that not more than five acres, part of the said land, lie contiguous
to Jones's falls, which, in his opinion, was more valuable than the other
part of the said land, and was the great inducement with him to become
the purchaser; that after passing his bond to the state, upon an inquiry
into the title, and causing a survey of the said land, he finds that Mrs.
Stevenson has a claim to more than three acres in front of the dwelling-house,
and that Benjamin Griffith, and Wilson and Brown, have a claim
to, and now are in possession of, more than five acres lying on Jones's
falls, which five acres, and the whole of the said land, he expected the
state had an unquestionable title to; and this general assembly being of
opinion that it is reasonable to refer the case of the said Robert Ballard
the consideration and determination of the chancellor; therefore, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the chancellor
be authorised and empowered, in application of the said Robert
Ballard, on or before the first day of April next, to inquire into the
of the said land purchased by the said Ballard from the state, as the property
formerly belonging to Henry Stevenson, and to inspect and examine
the title papers and proofs respecting the said land, both those under
which the said Stevenson claimed the same, and those under which the
claims of the said Benjamin Griffith, and Wilson and Brown, are not set
up, which title papers, or such of them as are recorded, shall be exhibited
by the said Ballard; and also to order a survey and plots to be made
of said land, and to summon and examine witnesses touching the boundaries
thereof, or any other fact necessary to be known, and also to inquire
what land was meant, intended and agreed, to be sold to said Ballard by
the commissioners of confiscated property; and if the chancellor, upon
an inquiry into the subject, should be of opinion that any land was meant,
intended and agreed, to be sold to said Ballard by the commissioners
aforesaid, which the said Henry Stevenson, at the time he left this state,
had not a just or equitable title to, and that the state cannot justly
equitably claim, and the title of the same, or any part thereof, is
justly and equitably in the said Benjamin Griffith, and Wilson and Brown,
then the chancellor shall decree the sale aforesaid, made by the commissioners
aforesaid, to be void, and thereupon the bond passed by the said
Robert Ballard for the sid property shall be delivered to him by the
treasurer of the western shore, provided such decree be given before the |
Chancellor to
inquire into
titles, &c. |
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