not been exceeded above one fourth, and such excess shall be paid for
to the
treasurer of the western shore: And whereas surveys have been made
the westward of Fore Cumberland under warrants granted before the sixth
of October seventeen hundred and seventy-four, the quantity expressed in
which has been exceeded above one fourth, and the whole caution money
due on the certificates thereof hath been paid to the treasurer, under
act allowing a longer time to compound on old certificates, and making
further regulations respecting the sale of vacant lands, on or before the
first of November seventeen hundred and eighty-two, or under the act allowing
a longer time to compound on old certificates, on or before the
first of July seventeen hundred and eighty-three, and the proprietors of
the said certificates cannot in such cases obtain patents, to the great
of the said proprietors, and the injury of the state in delaying the settlement
and improvement of the lands mentioned in the certificates aforesaid, |
Proprietors of
certain certificates
to a grant, &c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That in all cases
where it shall appear to the chancellor, by an examination in the manner
prescribed by the first aforesaid act, that the certificate of any survey
which hath exceeded the quantity expressed in the warrant more than one
fourth, and which hath been compounded for as aforesaid, was bonâ
the property of some citizen of this state, or of some one of the United
States at the time of passing the act, entitled, An act to appropriate
lands to the use of the officers and soldiers of this state, and for the
sale of vacant lands, and that the proprietor of such certificate is, in
and justice, and agreeably to the rules and practice of the examiner-general
under the old government in passing certificates in which the
quantity of land expressed in the warrant is exceeded, and of issuing
grants on such certificates, entitled to a grant for the same, then, and
such case, the chancellor may order a grant to issue for the same; but
it shall appear to the chancellor, by an examination in the manner as
aforesaid, that any such certificate, at the time of passing the said last
aforesaid act, was not bonâ fide the property of some citizen of
this state,
or some one f the United States, or that the proprietor of such certificate
is not justly and equitably entitled to a grant for the same, in such
he shall endorse on the said certificate his order or decree that the said
certificate is void and of no effect; and the intendant, or any other
who shall be authorised to draw on the treasury, shall give the proprietor
of such a certificate an order on the treasury of the western shore for
caution or composition money which hath been paid for such certificate,
which order shall be discharged out of any money not specially appropriated,
and the treasurer shall thereupon retain the said certificate as a voucher. |
Passed Mar. 9. |
An ACT for the relief of Robert Crawford, of Baltimore county, confined
in the gaol of the said county. (A private act.) |
Passed Mar. 9. |
An ACT to repeal an act, entitled, An act requiring the
masters of ships and vessels to publish the rates of
freight before they take any tobacco on board. |
An act repealed. |
BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the act,
entitled, An act requiring the masters of ships and vessels to publish
the rates of their freight before they take any tobacco on
board, passed at a session of assembly begun and held at the city of Annapolis
on the fifth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and four,
shall be, and is hereby repealed. |