1765. |
An ACT continuing the act, entitled, An additional supplementary act
to the act,
entitled, An act relating to servants and slaves.
The act of 1748, ch. 19, is continued,
&c. as in the note under ch. 15. |
A Supplementary ACT to the act, entitled, An act for amending the staple
of tobacco,
for preventing frauds in his majesty's customs,
and for the limitation of
officers fees. |
An ACT to enable the visitors of Kent county school, for the time being,
to lease
out part of the land belonging to the said school.
The majority of the visitors is empowered,
after giving ten days public notice, to lease the residue of the
school land, which was excepted by the act of 1741, ch.
1, to the highest bidder, for a term not exceeding
21 years, and in lots not exceeding three acres each.
They are likewise authorised, at their discretion,
upon the same terms, to renew expiring leases, or to
make new leases; and they are to apply the
whole rents as they shall think most conducive to the
advantage of the school. |
A Supplementary ACT to the act, entitled, An act for building a church
in St.
James's parish, in Anne-Arundel county.
The net quantity of 80,000lb. of tobacco,
is to be affected in November next, and the sheriff is to pay
it to a majority of the rector, vestrymen, and wardens,
who are to apply it, together with the sum of
£ 137 17 10, formerly levied for repairing the
old church, to the completing the new church, and enclosing
its yard. Should any surplus remain, they are directed
to lay it out in the necessary repairs of the
parish buildings. |
An ACT for erecting a new parish in Kent county, called Chester parish,
and for
building a parish church, and enlarging a chapel
of ease, within the said new
A new parish, by the name of Chester
parish, is carved out of St. Paul's and Shrewsbury parishes, according
to the following metes and bounds, viz. Beginning
in St. Paul's parish, at the mouth of a pond
by the bay side, between Marmaduke Tilden's and William
Frisby's, and running up the pond side to the
head thereof, where it intersects the line between said
Marmaduke Tilden's land and George Copper's
land, thence with that line to the road leading from
said Tilden's to Cooter Griffin's, thence with that
road to intersect the main road leading from the head
of Worton, by Chester-town, and with that main
road to a valley in James McClean's plantation, leading
into the head of the branch called Fanning's
branch, thence down that valley and branch to a small
branch issuing out of the said Fanning's branch, called
Bloody-bridge branch, thence up the said Bloody-bridge
branch to the head thereof, and then with a
streight line to the head of Muddy creek, and down the
said creek to Chester river; and in Shrewsbury
parish, beginning at the mouth of Turner's creek, on
Sassafras river, and running up the said creek to
James Loutitt's point, and thence with the road leading
by John Shawhan's into the main county road to
Chester-town, thence with the said main county road to
Thomas Perkins's, and thence by the cross road to
Isaac Perkins's mill, and then by a due south-east line
from the said mill to Chester river.
Such a quantity of tobacco, as, with
the balance in the hands of the vestry of St. Paul's, will make
100,000lb. is, at the next November court, to be levied
on the taxables of the county; and in November
1767, there is to be a further assessment of 80,000lb.
These two assessments, and the aforesaid balance, are
to be paid to the vestry of the new parish, who, together
with the churchwardens, are to be elected by
the freeholders, on the first Tuesday of January next,
at the cross roads called I. U.
The said vestry are to lay out any
quantity of tobacco, not exceeding 130,000lb. in the purchase of two
acres of ground at or near the said place, and in erecting
thereon a brick church, which they are to finish
in every respect, except the pews and seats, these are to be erected on
the credit of the money which they
are to be sold for to the freeholders of the parish; and they are directed
to be sold on such terms as will
defray the expense of erecting them. The vestry is further empowered,
to expend 50,000lb. of tobacco
in an addition to the church at Chester-town, which they are to furnish
in every respect, except the pews,
the expence of which is to be defrayed by a sale of them to such owners
of lots in Chester-town as have
not already pews. The incumbent of this new parish, is to perform
service at the two churches alternately,
the latter to be hereafter called and esteemed a chapel of ease. |
An ACT to increase the allowance of jurors attending the provincial
and county
courts, and for other purposes therein mentioned.
This act repealed the act of 1760,
ch. 16, entitled, An act for increasing the allowance of grand and
petit jurors, &c. It fixes a different allowance to these jurors,
and contains this remarkable provision,
" that in no action a greater charge of witnesses shall be allowed, than
that of three persons to prove any
single fact, unless boundaries of land should come in question, in which
case the court is to exercise a discretion,
and that where a witness shall appear to have been unnecessarily summoned,
no charge at all shall
be allowed for him." However, this act bering made for only three
years, &c. after having been continued
for seven years, &c. by the act of 1769, ch. 5, has been suffered to
expire. |