WILLIAM PACA, Esq; Governor.
direction and government of the watchmen, shall be fairly printed or
and signed by the commissioners aforesaid, or a major part of them, and
shall be
delivered to the watchmen aforesaid. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That one or more of the constables in said town, as
by orders and regulations shall be thought necessary, shall attend
at the court-house,
or some other convenient place to be appointed by the commissioners, or
a major part of them, aforesaid, shall appoint, and keep watch and
ward in
manner following, to wit: From the tenth of September to the tenth
of March
in every year, from eight in the evening to six in the morning; and from
tenth of March to the tenth of September in every year, from nine in the
to four in the morning; and the constables shall, in their several turns
courses of watching, use their best endeavours to prevent fires, murders,
robberies, and other outrages and disorders within said town, and to that
end shall, and they are hereby empowered, directed and required, to arrest
apprehend all night-walkers, malefactors, and other suspected persons,
who shall
be found wandering and misbehaving themselves, and shall carry the
persons so
apprehended, as soon as they conveniently can, before one or more justices
of the
peace, or commissioner, in said town, to be examined and dealt with according
to law, and shall once, or oftener, at convenient times of the night, go
the several stands in said town, and shall take notice whether the watchmen
their duties in their several stations, according to the regulations made
that purpose, and in case any watchman misbehaves or neglects his duty,
constable shall immediately give notice to the commissioners aforesaid,
or any of
them, that the watchman may be admonished or discharged, as the service
require; and the said constable shall observe, keep and perform, all such
and regulations as shall be made by the said commissioners for their good
and in case of misbehaviour or neglect, may be admonished or discharged
in the same manner as the watchmen; and the said constables, for every
watching, shall be paid by the commissioners aforesaid such sum of money
they, or a major part of them, shall think reasonable. |
Constables to
attend, &c. |
VII. And be
it enacted, That if any of the said constables shall neglect to
attend any night in his turn to keep watch and ward at the respective
hours appointed
by this act, or shall depart from or leave keeping watch during the respective
hours appointed for keeping the same, or shall neglect to go about the
several stands of said town once at least in every night of his said
watching, or shall
otherwise misbehave or neglect his duty, in each or every said case, the
so offending shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty shillings. |
Penalty on
neglect of duty. |
VIII. And be
it enacted, That the watchmen are hereby empowered, required
and directed, in their several stations, during the time of their keeping
watch, to apprehend all night-walkers, malefactors, rogues, vagabonds,
disorderly persons, whom they shall find disturbing the peace, or shall
have just
cause to suspect of any evil designs, and to carry the person as soon as
before some justice or commissioner in said town, to be examined and dealt
according to law; and the watchmen shall be at their respective stands
and keep
watch at the hours by law required, and shall observe, perform and execute,
such rules, orders and regulations, as shall be from time to time enjoined
them, and in case of any fire breaking out, or other great necessity, shall
each other, and the inhabitants in their respective rounds, which when
they shall repair to their respective stands, the better to discover any
other fire
that may happen, as well as to prevent any burglaries, robberies, outrages
disorders, and to apprehend any suspected persons, who in such times of
may be feloniously carrying off the goods and effects of others; and the
watchmen are hereby invested with all the powers and authorities that constables
are now invested with by law. |
Duty of
watchmen. |
IX. And be it
enacted, That if any person shall wilfully or maliciously break,
throw down, destroy or extinguish, any lamp that shall be hung up to light
streets, lanes or alleys, in said town, or shall wilfully damage the posts,
irons, |
Penalty for
lamps, &c. |
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