Congress may
prohibit importations,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
the general assembly of Maryland, That the United States
in congress assembled be invested, for the term of fifteen years from
the thirtieth
day of April last, with power to prohibit the importation into, or
from, any of the said states, of any goods, wares or merchandise, in
vessels belonging
to or navigated by the subjects of any power with whom the said states
shall not have formed treaties of commerce; and also to prohibit, during
term aforesaid, the subjects of any foreign state, kingdom or empire,
unless authorised
by treaty, from importing into the United States any goods, wares or
merchandise, which shall not be the produce or manufacture of the dominions
of the sovereign whose subjects they are; provided that nine states
in congress
assembled shall agree to the regulations and prohibitions respecting
the commerce
of the United States, in virtue of the authority given to congress
as aforesaid. |
An ACT to settle and pay the civil list, and other expences of civil
For the ensuing year only. |
An ACT for the establishment and regulation of a night watch,
and the erection of lamps, in Baltimore-town, in
county. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS the ordering and regulating a watch, and
enlightening the
streets, lanes and alleys, in the night time, in Baltimore-town, in
Baltimore county, is of very great importance for the preservation
the persons and properties of the inhabitants thereof, and very necessary
to prevent
fires, burglaries, and other outrages and disorders, |
to meet,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the commissioners
of Baltimore-town, or a major part of them, are hereby authorised and directed,
to meet at such times and places as they shall think proper, and may,
from time to time, during the continuance of this act, contract with fit
proper persons to erect, put up and fix, any number of lamps, in such parts
places in the said town as to them shall seem meet and expedient, and to
with any person or persons for the lighting, trimming, snuffing, supplying,
maintaining, and repairing them, and shall likewise from time to time order,
appoint, hire and employ, as many watchmen as they shall judge necessary,
shall then and there direct and order what wages shall be given them, and
if any
of the said watchmen die within the time for which they were appointed,
shall be negligent in their duty, or be guilty of any misbehaviour, it
shall and may
be lawful for the commissioners aforesaid, or a major part of them,
at any intermediate
time of the year, to remove any of the said watchmen so appointed,
and to employ, hire and appoint, one or more persons fitly qualified in
the room
and stead of him or them so dying, neglecting his duty, or misbehaving,
aforesaid. |
Their powers,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That each of the commissioners aforesaid, for the time
being, shall have all the powers and jurisdictions of a justice of the
peace within
said town, and they, or a major part of them, shall have full power and
to appoint any number of persons of good character, to be constables in
town. |
To appoint
stand, &c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid, or a major part of
them, shall, as soon as they conveniently can, direct and set down in writing,
what stands it is fit for the said watchmen to be placed, how often they
shall go
the rounds, and also appoint the rounds each watchman is to go, and shall,
time to time, make such further and other orders and regulations for the
government of the said watchmen, as the nature of the case shall require. |
Orders to be
copied, &c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That a true copy of all orders, regulations, nominations
and appointments, which shall from time to time be so made for the better |