PErsons to superintend,
&c. |
III. And,
for more effectually carrying the above undertaking into effect, Be
it enacted, That William Smith, George Salmon, Aaron Levering, Peter
John McHenry, and Ingelhard Yeiser, or a majority of them, be and are
hereby authorised to superintend the execution of the undertaking aforesaid. |
To appoint a
treasurer, &c. |
IV. And,
whereas sundry persons have subscribed, and others may subscribe,
money for completing the arching and underpinning the court-house as aforesaid,
Be it enacted, That William Smith,
George Salmon, Aaron Levering, Peter
Hoffman, John McHenry, and Ingelhard Yeiser, aforesaid, may appoint one
their number for treasurer, who is hereby empowered and enjoined to receive
collect all monies by the said persons subscribed, or that may be subscribed,
such subscribers are hereby directed to pay their several subscriptions
to the treasurer
appointed as aforesaid; and if any person shall refuse or neglect to pay
subscription money, the said treasurer, or any of them, in the name of
the rest,
may and is hereby authorised to sue for, recover and receive, the same. |
Ground to be
laid out, &c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That upon application of the proprietors of the ground,
or any part of the ground, lying northerly of the court-house aforesaid,
to the
commissioners of Baltimore-town, praying said commissioners, that such
part as
they may have surveyed, and laid out into lots, streets, squares, lanes
or alleys,
may be recorded as part of Baltimore-town, the commissioners of Baltimore-town
aforesaid are hereby directed, upon the application of the proprietors
of the
land, so laid out into lots, streets, squares, lanes or alleys, to record
the same as
a part of Baltimore-town. Saving always and nevertheless, to all
persons not
mentioned in this act, their several and respective rights. |
An ACT for the sale of the glebe-land of Saint-Mary-Anne's parish,
in Cæcil
By a majority of the vestrymen and
wardens, at public vendue, after six weeks notice in the Baltimore
journal, and set up at the court-house door, and at five the most public
places in the parish.
The money they shall apply to the purchase of another piece of land more
conveniently situated; but in
case they shall not be able immediately to procure it, they shall place
the money at interest, taking bonds
with security; the interest shall be paid annually to the minister when
they have one, and when the parish
is vacant, the interest shall be consolidated with the principal.
They are, notwithstanding, strictly
enjoined to make the purchase as soon as conveniently they can. |
An ACT to invest James Rumsey with an exclusive privilege and benefit
of makeing
and selling new invented boats, on a model by him invented.
PR. |
An ACT for recording a deed executed by Samuel Ervin, Mary Ervin, and
Ervin, to William Rogers, of Cæcil county. PR. |
An ACT to enable Edward Lloyd, Esquire, to record a deed from James
Blaney Edmondson to Edward Lloyd, Esquire, deceased,
for a tract of land
called Addition. PR. |
An ACT to authorise the delegates of this state in congress to
consent to an alteration in the eighth of the articles
of the confederation,
and in its place to subscribe and ratify another. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it has been recommended by congress to the
several states
in the union, to authorise their respective delegates to subscribe and
ratify an alteration in the eighth of the articles of confederation and
perpetual union, and this general assembly have thought proper to comply
the said recommendation of congress, |
Part of the
eighth article
revoked, &c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That so much of the
eighth of the articles of the confederation and perpetual union, between
the thirteen
states of America, as is contained in the words following, to wit:
" All charges
of war, and all other expences that shall be incurred for the common defence
or |