shall be returned in manner aforesaid, to the clerk's office aforesaid,
and in case
of neglect or refusal of the said persons, or their heirs, executors
or administrators,
to pay and satisfy the respective sums of money by them to be paid
satisfied, at the time limited for payment of the same, it shall and
may be lawful
for the said commissioners in their own name, as a body politic, for
the use of
the persons to whom the same is to be paid, to sue for and recover
the same, by
action or actions, in which it shall be sufficient to declare for so
much money
had and received by the defendant or defendants, and this act shall
be sufficient
evidence in a court of law to enforce the payment of the same. |
An ACT for making the river
Susquehanna navigable from the
line of this state to tide water. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS Samuel Hughes, William Augustine Washington,
Hollyday, Nathaniel Ramsey, William Smith, William Goodwin,
Samuel Smith, Archibald McCalister, Robert Ballard, Thomas
Russell, Daniel Bowley, William Neill, Charles Ridgely, John Eager
Samuel and Robert Purviance, George Leggett, Robert Young Stokes, Benedict
Edward Hall, William Smith, Aquila Hall, John Churchman, Daniel Durbin,
James White Hall, Francis Holland, Gabriel Christie, Ridley and Pringle,
Thomas Peters, Richard Ridgely, John Davidson, Wallace, Johnson and
Josias Carvil Hall, Richard Potts, Daniel Hughes, Jeremiah Townley
John Rogers, Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, Edward Lloyd, James Murray,
Otho Holland Williams, and Henry Lee, junior, actuated by very laudable
have undertaken to render the river Susquehanna navigable from the
line of
this state to tide water, and have subscribed the sum of eighteen thousand
hundred pounds current money of Maryland, and obliged themselves to
raise by
subscription the further sum of one thousand five hundred pounds current
aforesaid, to be applied to that purpose; and this general assembly
being strongly
impressed with the general utility of the said undertaking, and the
beneficial consequences
that will be derived from the accomplishment thereof to the inhabitants
of this state, by extending the trade thereof; and being willing to
give the said
undertakers every proper encouragement and support: |
Persons incorporated,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
the general assembly of Maryland, That the said Samuel
Hughes, William Augustine Washington, Clement Hollyday, Nathaniel Ramsey,
William Smith, William Goodwin, Samuel Smith, Archibald McCalister,
Robert Ballard, Thomas Russell, Daniel Bowley, William Neill, Charles
John Eager Howard, Samuel and Robert Purviance, George Leggett, Robert
Young Stokes, Benedict Edward Hall, William Smith, Aquila Hall, John
Churchman, Daniel Durbin, James White Hall, Francis Holland, Gabriel
Christie, Ridley and Pringle, Thomas Peters, Richard Ridgely, John
Wallace, Johnson and Muir, Josias Carvil Hall, Richard Potts, Daniel
Jeremiah Townley Chase, John Rogers, Charles Carroll, of Carrollton,
Edward Lloyd, James Murray, Otho Holland Williams, and Henry Lee,
junior, be and they are hereby incorporated and made a body politic,
for the
purposes herein after declared; and the said body politic shall be
known and distinguished
by the appellation of " The Proprietors of the Susquehanna Canal;"
and shall have
full and ample power and authority to do, perform and execute, all
and every
matter and thing which any corporation may, or rightfully can do, and
have succession for ever, and to that end, and for perpetuating the
said incorporate
body, the heirs, devisees, legal representatives, and the assignees
of the
individual members thereof, ad infinitum, shall be and are hereby
declared to be
members. |
To elect a governor,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
That the said corporation shall meet on the third Tuesday
in February, in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred and
at Havre-de-Grace, and when and as often thereafter as the said corporation |