WILLIAM PACA, Esq; Governor.
of MARYLAND, begun and held at the
city of
ANNAPOLIS, on Monday the twenty-first of April,
in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred
and eighty-three, and ended the 1st
day of June:
The following laws were enacted.
WILLIAM PACA, Esq; Governor. |
1783. |
An ACT respecting registers of vessels, and to direct the entry and
vessels from and to the British dominions. |
WHEREAS since the treaty of peace between Great-Britain
and the
United States, it is improper to prevent subjects of Great-Britain from
holding property in vessels belonging to and owned with citizens of
this state, and vessels ought to be entered and cleared from or to any
part of the
British dominions: |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That hereafter, in
granting registers, such part thereof as prevents the subjects of Great-Britain
from holding shares or interest in vessels, one third whereof belongs to
citizens of
this state, shall in future be omitted, and every register hereafter granted
shall be
corrected so as only to prevent subjects of any state at enmity or war
with this
state, or the United States, or any of them, from having property in any
declared by law to belong to this state, and entitled to privileges as
such; and
the oath required of the master of every vessel, on entry, shall also be
amended in
the same manner; and it is hereby declared to be lawful for any naval officer
enter or clear any vessel from or to any part of the British dominions,
in the same
manner as to any other kingdom or state in peace with this state. |
Registers to
be altered,
&c. |
An ACT for the relief of John Buckman, of Saint-Mary's county.
PR. |
An ACT to change the surnames of Nicholas Maccubbin, junior, and of
Maccubbin, to that of Carroll. PR. |
An ACT to make valid a deed of bargain and sale executed by Abraham
and Elizabeth Cromer, of Frederick county, to Joshua
Gist, of said county.
PR. |
An ACT for laying out a road from the wind-mill and dwelling plantation
Nathaniel Manning, of Dorchester county.
Until it intersect the main road leading
from the town of Cambridge to Edward Noel's. It is to be
a public road, and kept up at the expence of Nathaniel Manning. Three
commissioners are appointed
to lay it out as a waggon road, 20 feet wide, and to ascertain the damage
done to the persons through
whose lands it shall pass; and thus damage shall be paid by the said Nathaniel
Manning. |
An ACT for laying out a road from John Groff's mill in Frederick county.
Until it intersect the main road leading
from Marsh-creek to Baltimore-town, at Michael Derr's farm,
one mile below Piney-creek; also, until it intersect the main road aforesaid
at Joseph Myer's farm, about
three miles below Pipe-creek, in Frederick county. This road is to
be laid off by three commissioners,
named in the act, as a public waggon road, twenty feet
wide. It is not, without the consent of the
owner, to run through any orchard, meadow or garden, and whatever the commissioners
shall determine
to be the damage occasioned by it, shall be paid to the persons concerned
by the said John Groff. |
An ACT to authorise and empower Frank Leeke, of Prince-George's county,
dispose of a tract of land called Well's Invention,
for the purpose therein mentioned.
PR. |
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