THOMAS SIM LEE, Esq; Governor.
all fines, forfeited recognizances, and amerciaments, be duly collected,
and that
all property forfeited for treason or felony be seized for the state,
and taken care
of, and that he lay an account thereof, at every session, before the
house of delegates,
for their inspection, and the direction of the legislature. |
L. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the assessment or rate imposed by the act to raise
the supplies for the year seventeen hundred and eighty-two, on the
stock or property
of merchants employed in trade, shall cease and be repealed, after
the said
duty of five per cent. shall take place. |
Rate on merchandise
cease, &c. |
An ACT to increase the allowance of jurymen attending
the general court.
To continue until the end of the next
session. Expired. |
An ACT to vest in Samuel Chase and Allen Quynn, Esquires, and their
heirs, in
trust, and for the uses therein mentioned, the theatre in the city
of Annapolis. |
An ACT to empower Catharine Woolsey to sell the real estate of George
her late husband, for the purposes therein mentioned. |
An additional supplement to the act to raise the supplies for the year
hundred and eighty-two.
Reducing the present year's tax from
45f in the £. 100 to 30f, 5 of which must be paid in
specie for
the use of congress; one half of the residue is likewise payable by the
1st of August, and the other half
by the 1st of November. Of the last, a sufficient sum is to be appropriated
to the payment of one year's
interest on specie certificates. If any person has, agreeably to
the principal act, paid 22f6, in the £. 100,
for the first half payment, he shall be chargeable with only 2f6,
on the 1st of November, in specie, or
specifics, and 5f in specie, to be paid by the first of August.
And if any person has paid more than 25f
for the £. 100, the surplus shall be returned, and he shall be
chargeable with the 5f specie tax only. The
intendant is required to sell wheat or tobacco, to the amount of £.
50,000 specie, for the use of congress;
and he may borrow, if he can, to the amount of £. 30,000, and pledge
the 5f tax for security.
For grinding, bolting, and packing or preserving the
flour, for two months, the owners of mills are
to be paid a tenth. |
An ACT to prevent suits
on certain debts for a limited time. |
BE it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That no action or suit
shall be commenced or prosecuted by any creditor against his debtor, for
any debt, promise, contract or agreement, created or made before the
first day of September, seventeen hundred and seventy-six, or between that
and the twelfth day of June, seventeen hundred and eighty, for gold, silver
sterling, before the first day of January, seventeen hundred and eighty-four,
the debtor shall refuse or neglect to pay the interest due or which shall
due annually on such debt, in gold or silver, or in bills of credit, agreeably
an act for calling out of circulation the quota of this state of the bills
of credit
issued by congress, and the bills of credit emitted by acts of assembly
under the
old government, and by the resolves of convention, in thirty days after
made, or hath removed, or shall be about to remove, himself or his effects
of this state, or shall refuse, on request of his creditor, to renew his
promise, contract or agreement, and with security, if required; and the
before whom any such action or suit hath been or shall be brought, shall
into the fact, and, ex officio, order such action or suit to be
discontinued, if prosecuted
contrary to this act; provided, that this act shall not extend to any action
or suit commenced or prosecuted, at law or in equity, against any guardian,
administrator or trustee. |
Suits not to be
for debts, &c. |
II. Provided
also, and be it enacted, That if any debtor has for sale any
wheat, Indian corn, oats, tobacco, pork, stock of any kind, slaves or land,
and his creditor or creditors offer to receive any of the articles above
in discharge of such debt, promise, contract or agreement, at the real
value of
such enumerated articles, which valuation shall be ascertained by any two
more of the commissioners of the tax for the county where such debtor resides, |
Proviso. |
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