Purpose for
which duty is
granted, &c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the said duty is hereby granted to congress for
the purpose of discharging the principal and interest of all debts already
by them, or which they may hereafter contract during the present war with
Great-Britain, on the faith of the United States, and for no other use. |
Power to continue
years, &c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the power before given to congress, to impose and
levy the said duty, shall remain and continue for the term of twenty-five
after peace or truce shall take place between Great-Britain and the United
and no longer; and if the debt due or to be incurred by the United States
the present war, shall be paid and satisfied before the expiration of the
said twenty-five
years, then the power given by this act to the United States in congress
assembled, to levy the duty aforesaid, shall cease and determine. |
When to
&c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That this act shall not be in force before all the United
States shall pass laws vesting the United States in congress assembled
with power
to impose, levy and collect, the said duty, agreeable to the resolve of
congress of
the third of February, on thousand seven hundred and eighty-one, for such
and upon such terms as the United States in congress assembled shall accept
as a
substantial compliance with the resolve aforesaid; and immediately upon
laws being passed, and such acceptance of the United States in congress
this act shall commence and be in force for the term aforesaid. |
pledged, &c. |
VII. And be
it enacted, That this general assembly do hereby engage and
pledge the faith of this state, that if the said duty, imposed and collected
in all
the states, shall not, within the said twenty-five years, discharge the
whole debt
due, or to be incurred during the war, with interest thereon, by the United
States, that this state will continue the power in the United States in
assembled, to impose, levy and collect, the said duty, until the said debt
shall be
fully paid, or otherwise make ample provision, and find other sufficient
for the payment by this state of its proportion of the debt of the United
States. |
An ACT in favour of the natural son of captain Edward
Edgerly. PR. |
An ACT to repeal certain duties. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS bills of credit, emitted in virtue of the
act for sinking the
quota required by congress of this state of the bills of credit emitted
by congress (commonly known by the appellation of continental state
money) to the amount of ninety-eight thousand and seventy pounds eighteen
and nine-pence, were put into circulation; and it appears that forty-three
thousand five hundred and four pounds five shillings have been brought
in and
sunk by taxes; and that property of this state, to the amount of thirty-two
thousand six hundred and ninety-eight pounds six shillings, have been sold
the redemption of the said bills of credit; and that the tax of a bushel
of wheat,
or twenty-five pounds of tobacco, for every hundred pounds worth of property
in this state, and the duties on marriage and ordinary licences, and on
tables, and slaves, will be far more than fully sufficient to sink the
balance of the
said bills of credit, now in circulation, before the first day of January,
hundred and eighty-six: And whereas this general assembly have, this
session, authorised congress to lay a duty of five per cent. on
imports, |
Duty repealed,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That the duty imposed
by the said act on tobacco and pig-iron exported, shall be and is hereby
and that all duties imposed by the said act on imported articles (except
shall cease and be repealed, after the said duty of five per cent. shall
take place. |
Fines, &c. appropriated,
be discharged,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the fines, forfeitures and amerciaments, including
forfeited recognizances, and all forfeitures for treason or felony, appropriated
by the said act, shall be discharged, and subject to the disposal of the
assembly; and the intendant of the revenue is hereby directed to take care,
that |