THOMAS SIM LEE, Esq; Governor.
of the youth, and other suitable exercises; and the remainder of the
belonging to the said Kent county school may and shall be leased out by
the visitors
of the said school for the time being, and by the visitors and governors
of the
said college, after the same shall be established, in leases for lives
or ninety-nine
years, or on any other leases that may be judged most beneficial for advancing
cause of learning, and promoting the said college, agreeable to the original
for which the said Kent county school was aforesaid, and for which the
said school
lands were purchased. |
XIV. And be
it enacted, That the ordinances which shall be from time to time
made by the visitors and governors of the said college, and their successors,
an account of their other proceedings, and of the management of the estate
monies committed to their trust, shall, when required, be laid before the
assembly of Maryland, for their inspection and examination; but in case
at any
time hereafter, through oversight, or otherwise through misapprehensions
mistakes, constructions of the powers, liberties and franchises, in this
charter or
act of incorporation granted or intended to be granted, any ordinances
should be
made by the said corporation of visitors and governors, or any matters
and transacted by the corporation, contrary to the tenor hereof, it is
that although all such ordinances, acts and doings, shall in themselves
be null
and void, yet they shall not, however, in any courts of law, or by the
assembly, be deemed, taken, interpreted or adjudged, into an avoidance
or forfeiture
of this charter and act of incorporation, but the same shall be and remain
unhurt, inviolate and entire, unto the said corporation of visitors and
in perpetual succession; and all their acts conformable to the powers,
true intent
and meaning hereof, shall be and remain in full force and validity, the
and avoidance of such illegal acts to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding. |
&c. to be laid
before the general
&c. |
XV. And be it
enacted and declared, That this charter and act of incorporation,
and every part thereof, shall be good and available in all things in the
according to the true intent and meaning thereof, and shall be construed,
and adjudged, in all cases, most favourably on the behalf and for the best
and behoof of the said visitors and governors, and their successors, so
as most effectually
to answer the valuable ends of this act of incorporation, towards the general
advancement and promotion of useful knowledge, science and virtue. |
Charter good
in law, &c. |
XVI. And be
it enacted, That no person shall act as visitor governor, or
as principal or vice-principal, or as professor, in the said college, before
he shall
take the oath of fidelity and support to this state required by the constitution
by the laws of this state. |
Visitors, &c.
to take the
oath of fidelity. |
An ACT for building a prison in Somerset county, and for other purposes.
The justices are commanded to sell
their old prison, at public vendue, and to assess, with their next
levy, a sum of money, not exceeding £. 400, wherewithal to purchase,
near the old prison, a quantity of
ground, not more than one acre, to be laid off with boundaries, by the
surveyor, who is to deliver the
county clerk a certificate thereof, to be recorded. And on this land
the justices shall build a new gaol. |
An ACT to punish persons contriving the escapes
of prisoners of war.
To continue one year, &c.
Expired. |
An ACT for the relief of
John Ray, of Anne-Arundel county. |
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to enable naval officers
to grant registers for vessels. |
BE it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That all ships or vessels,
built by any inhabitant of this state for any citizens of the United
States, or any vessel the property of, or built for, a subject of any
or state not at enmity or war with this state, may be registered in the
manner directed
by this act. |
Ships may be
registered, &c. |
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