1782. |
such number of the said visitors and governors duly met (provided
they be not less than seven) shall be a quorum, as the fundamental ordinances
first, or any time afterwards, duly enacted by a majority of the whole
shall fix and determine. |
To make ordinances,
&c. |
X. And be it
enacted, That a majority of the said visitors and governors for
the time being, when duly assembled, at any quarterly or other meeting,
due notice given to the whole body of visitors and governors, shall have
full power
and authority to make fundamental ordinances for the government of
the said
college, and the instruction of the youth as aforesaid; and by these ordinances
appoint such a number of their own body, not less than seven, as they may
proper, to be a quorum for transacting all general and necessary business
of the
said seminary, and making temporary rules for the government of the same;
also by the said fundamental ordinances, to delegate to the principal,
and professors, such powers and authorities as they may think best, for
standing government of the said seminary, and the execution of the ordinances
rules of the same; provided always, that they be not repugnant to the form
government, or any law of this state. |
To direct
public commencements
to be holden,
&c. |
XI. And,
for animating and encouraging the students of the said college to a
laudable diligence, industry and progress, in useful literature and science,
Be it
enacted, That the said visitors and governors, and their successors,
shall, by a
written mandate under their privy seal, and the hand of some one of the
and governors to be chosen annually as their president, according to the
to be made for that purpose, have full power and authority to direct the
vice-principal and professors, to hold public commencements, either on
annual days, or occasionally, as the future ordinances of the said seminary
direct; and at such commencements to admit any of the students in the said
or any other persons meriting the same, (whose names shall be severally
in the same mandate) to any degree or degrees in any of the faculties,
arts and
sciences, and liberal professions, to which persons are usually admitted
in other
colleges or universities in America or Europe; and it is hereby enacted,
that the
principal, or in case of his death or absence the vice-principal, and in
case of the
death or absence of both, the senior professor who may be present, shall
make out,
and sign with his name, diplomas or certificates of the admission to such
or degrees, which shall be sealed with the public or greater seal of the
said corporation
or college, and delivered to the graduates, shall also be signed with the
names of the different
professors, or as many of them, as can conveniently sign the same. |
Proviso. |
XII. Provided
always, That no student or students within the said college
shall ever be admitted to any such degree or degrees, nor have their names
in any mandate for a degree, until such student or students have been first
examined and thought worthy of the same, at a public examination of candidates,
to be held one whole month previous to the day of commencement in the
college, by and in the presence of the said visitors and governors, of
such quorum
of them, not less than seven, as the ordinances of the college may authorise
for that purpose, and in the presence of any other persons choosing to
attend the
same; and provided further, that no person or persons, excepting the students
belonging to the said seminary, shall ever be admitted to any honorary
or other
degree or degrees in the same, unless thirteen of the visitors and governors
whom the president shall be one) by mandate under their privy seal, and
by the hands of the whole thirteen, to the principal, vice-principal and
directed, have signified their approbation and authority for the particular
of such person to said degree or degrees. |
May appropriate
ten acres
of land,
&c. |
XIII. And be
it enacted, That the visitors of Kent county school may set aside
and appropriate ten acres of the land belonging to the said school, where
shall think most convenient, for erecting necessary buildings for carrying
on the
said college, and laying out gardens and grounds for the recreation and
refreshment |