THOMAS SIM LEE, Esq; Governor.
to the act of last session of assembly, to adjust the debts due from
this state;
and it is hereby declared to be the intent and meaning of this act, that
the officers
and soldiers, receiving certificates from the commissioner as aforesaid,
shall derive
similar benefits from the same, and be considered, in this respect, in
similar predicament
with other officers, heretofore settled with agreeable to the acts for
and adjusting the accounts of the troops of this state in the service of
United States; and that captain John Read, and the officers and soldiers
in his
company, and colonel Luke Marbury, when settled with, and having received
certificates from the treasurer, shall derive similar benefits, and be,
in this respect,
in similar predicament with other public creditors, heretofore settled
with agreeable
to the act to adjust the debts due from this state, passed last session. |
IX. And be it
further enacted, That any officer, of the quota of this state in
the troops of the United States, who hath been, or may hereafter be, disabled,
loss of limb, or any other wound, from performing his military duty, and
or shall resign his commission in the continental army before the end of
the war,
shall be entitled, from the time of his resignation, to half pay, and his
after his death, as if the said officer had continued in the service during
the war. |
Officers disabled
to half pay,
&c. |
An ACT to appoint an intendant of the revenue, and
all public monies.
For one year only, to commence on the
1st of February next. |
An ACT to raise recruits.
Directing a considerable quantity of
British property to be sold by the commissioners, for specie, giving
very short credit; and any quantity of tobacco, not exceeding 1,000 hogsheads,
to be sold for specie by
the executive. The money arising from these sales, is to be delivered
to general Smallwood, for the
purpose of carrying on the recruiting service. |
An ACT to settle and pay the civil list, and the other expences of
civil government.
For the ensuing year. Before
this act it had been the practice to settle these matters by resolves,
were never published except in the journals.
Amongst the officers provided for by this act is the
judge of the court of admiralty. This court is not
mentioned in the constitution, but it was instituted by a convention, on
the 25th of May, 1776, in the
following words:
RESOLVED, That a court of admiralty be established for
the trial of such captures and seizures, with
full power to take cognizance of all libels on account of such captures
and seizures, and to proceed to a
final determination and decree thereupon. Which court shall consist
of a judge to hear and determine, a
register to record the proceedings, and a marshall to call the said court
and execute the several processes
thereof; the said judge to be nominated and commissioned by the convention,
or in the recess thereof,
to be nominated and commissioned by the council of safety for the time
being; and the said register and
marshall to be nominated and appointed by the judge of the said court;
the commission of the said judge,
and the nomination and appointment of the said register and marshal, to
be during the will and pleasure
of the convention for the time being; the process and form of proceeding
to be as usual in the courts of
admiralty; but if either libellant or defendant, on any controverted material
fact between them, demand
a trial of the said fact by a jury, in such case shall order and direct
the marshal to summon out of the
neighbourhood where the court is held, a jury of freeholders,
to find and say the truth of the said fact on
oath, and upon the verdict of the said jury, shall pronounce his decree
accordingly; the final determination
and decree of the said judge to be subject to such appeal, and in such
manner, as recommended in
the resolutions aforesaid of the congress. The fees for proceedings
in this court to be the same with the
fees heretofore allowed the court of admiralty, by an act passed in 1763,
entitled, An act for amending
the staple of tobacco, &c. the said fees to be paid in money at the
rate of 12f6 common money per hundred;
and the allowances to juries and witnesses to be the same as heretofore
made to juries and witnesses
in the common law county courts of this province. This court to be
held at such place as the judge
shall think convenient for the trial of such captures and seizures as are
or shall be made as aforesaid. |
An ACT for the payment of the journal of accounts. |
An ACT for the sale of certain confiscated British property pledged
for the redemption
of certificates.
Granted to the officers and soldiers
for the depreciation of their pay. |
H h h h