this behalfe Sustained According to the forme of the Statute etc. by the Court
here Adjudged etc.
This Following Action was transmitted out of the Records of Calvert County
George Plater plantiffe: Hugh Ryley Defendant:
Calvert County Ss: Hugh Ryley late of Calvert County planter was Atteched
to Answer unto George Plater of a plea of trespass upon the Case etc.
And whereupon the Said George Plater by Samuell Watkins his Attorney
Complayneth that whereas the Said Hugh Rily the 18th day of March Annoque
Domini 1690 [1691] att Calvert Towne within the Jurisdiction of this Court
Stood Indebted unto him the Said George Plater in the Sume of four hundred
pounds of tobaccoe being for An Attorneys Fee due from the Said Hugh Rily
to him the Said George Plater as by a perticele[r] Account thereof hereunto
Annexed Relation being thereunto had may more at Large Appeare and being
Soe Indebted he the Said Hugh Rily Inconsideration thereof did Assume upon
himselfe and to the Said George Plater then and there faithfully promise that
he the Said Hugh him the Said George the Said Sume of four hundred pounds
of tobaccoe when he Should bee thereunto Required would well and truly
Content and pay yet Nevertheless the Said Hugh Riley his promise and Assump-
tion aforesaid made Little Regarding but deviseing and Fraudulently Intending
him the Said George Plater in that behalfe Craftily and Subtilly to deceive and
defraud he the Said Hugh him the Said George the Said Sume of four hundred
pounds of tobaccoe According to his promise and Assumption aforesaid Altho
afterwards to witt the day yeare and place aforesaid and att Severall other Dayes
and times he was thereunto Required hath not paid but the Same to pay hath
denyed and Still doth denye to the damage of the Seaid George Plater Eight
hundred lbs. of tobaccoe and thereupon he bringeth his Suite. Samuell
Pledges etc. John Doe, Richard Roe.
1690 [1691] March the 18th: Hugh Ryly is Debtor to George Plater.
lbs. tobaccoe
To a Fee at the Suite of the Lord Proprietary and Michaell Swifft 5600 lbs.
of tobaccoe .......................................................... 400
And the Said Hugh Ryly by William Stone his Attorney Cometh and de-
fendeth the force and Injury when etc. and prayeth Lycence thereof to Imparle
here untill the next Court the Same day is given to the plantiffe Likewise. Att
which Said next Court (to witt) the 24th day of November Annoque Domini
1696 Came here as well the Said George Plater by William Bladen his Attorney
as alsoe the Said Hugh Ryly by William Stone his Attorney and the Said George
Plater by his Said Attorney prayeth that the Said Hugh Ryley to his Decleration
aforesaid may Answer etc. And now here att this day Came the Said High Ryley
by his Attorney aforesaid and further defendeth the aforesaid Force and Injury
when etc. And Saith that the Said George Plater his Action aforesaid ought Not
to have because he Saith he is barred by a Certaine Act of Assembly of this
province Entituled An Act for Limitation of Certaine Actions for avoiding Suits
att Law and of this he putts himselfe upon the Court. William Stone.
And the plantiffe by William Bladen his Attorney demureth in Law to the
plea of the Defendant and for Reason of Such Demurrer According to the forme
of the Stattute in that Case made and provided Saith that the Said Hugh Ryley