Smith, John v. Vaughun, Thomas, 374, 377, 409-
Sporne, Nicholas v. Orton, Thomas, [2], 246, 250,
263-64, 280, 292
Smith, Nathan, 527, 528
Sporne, Nicholas v. Richardson, Thomas, 545, 549
Smith, Nathan v. Addis, Richard, 55, 106
Sporne, Nicholas v. Sewell, William, 433, 436,
Smith, Richard, xlix, 220, 536
485, 514, 543
Smith, Steven, 26, 27
Sporne, Nicholas v. Thompson, William, 454, 485
Smith, Steven (Carletons v.), 373, 380
Sporne, Nicholas (Wheeler v.), 456, 466, 515, 543,
Smith, Steven (Fenlay v.), 211, 215, 275, 289, 320
Smith, Thomas, 215, 605
Sporne, Nicholas (Wickham v.), 487, 515, 524, 616
Smith, Walter, xlix, 313, 433
Sporne, Richard, 457
Smith, [Mrs. William], 488
Sprigg, John, 10, 94, 125, 129, 139, 144, 153, 183,
Smith, William, 513, 523, 547
284, 285
Smith, William, and uxor v. Banister, John, 488
Sprigg, John (Charlett, admr. of v.), 179, 195, 245,
Smith, William (Banister v.), 346, 453, 488, 517,
275, 289, 320, 343, 358
518, 543, 613, 616. See also Smith, William v.
Sprigg, Thomas, Jr., xxiv, xxvi, xxviii, 1 5, 58, 74,
Banister, John
76, 78, 80, 186, 188, 190, 202, 210, 212, 215,
Smith, William v. Banister, John, 466, See also
221, 227, 233, 242, 245, 248, 250, 258, 259, 263,
Smith, William (Banister v.)
276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 282, 284, 308, 324, 327,
Snellson, John v. Nellson, Thomas, 11, 13, 16, 45
346, 349, 352, 490, 503, 513, 518, 519, 520, 521,
Snugg, John, Iviira
546, 547, 553, 560, 589, 590, 613, 614
Snugg, John (Carletons v.), 389
Sprigg, Thomas, Sr. (Charlett, admr. of v.), 179,
Soaper (Soper), John, 113, 183, 534
195, 245, 275, 289, 320, 343, 358
Soaper (Soper), John v. Date, Thomas, 54, 106,
Sprigg, Thomas, [Sr.], v. Westry, William, 159
110, 157, 166, 209, 245, 264-65
Sprigg, Thomas, Sr. (Westry v.), 19, 25, 50, 58,
Soaper, John v. Sporne, Nicholas, 454, 466, 514,
93-94, 98, 106. See also Sprigg, Thomas, Sr.
(William v.)
Soaper (Soper), John (Westry v.), 19, 25, 50, 58,
Sprigg, Thomas, Sr. (William v.), 41. See also
Sprigg, Thomas, Sr. (Westry v.)
Solsworth, Samuell, 383
Stadtsman, Edward, 392
Somerset County, xi, xx, xxv, xxvn, xliii, livn, Ixv,
Stafford, Richard, 436
Ixxiv, Ixxvrc, Ixxviin, Ixxviii, 561
Stafford, Samuell v. Tracey, Thomas, 110, 126-
Souch, William (Ashby v.7280, 286-87, 292, 321,
27, 160, 345
Stafford, Thomas, 137, 277
Souch, William (Biggs v.), 280, 287, 292
Stafford, Thomas (Battson v.), xcii, 432, 436, 485,
Spore, Thomas (His Majesty v.), 491, 492
514, 543, 566-67
Sporne,—, 392
Stafford, Thomas (Williams, admr. of v.), 17, 37,
Sporne, Elizabeth, 457
49,97, 134
Sporne, Nicholas, ci, 291, 348, 350, 395, 417, 433,
Stafford County (Virginia), 443
440, 459, 499, 523, 613, 614
Stennett, John, 111
Sporne (Spornie), Nicholas, et al. v. Willesey,
Stephens, Benjamin (His Majesty v.), liii, 458, 484,
Phillip, 39, 47, 104
489, 495
Sporne (Spornie), Nicholas, et al. v. Willesey,
Stevens, Edward, 326
Phillip, admr. Fry, 39, 47, 104
Stevens, John, 38
Sporne, Nicholas (Fernley v.), 453, 466, 514, 543,
Stevens, John (His Majesty v.), Ivi, Ixxiii, 41-42,
106, 168-69
Sporne, Nicholas (Fisher v.), 517, 524, 603-05
Stevens, John (Hollyday v.), lixw, 19, 37
Sporne, Nicholas (Hide, exec. of v.), 466
Stevens, John v. Sentry, Steven, 20, 25, 50, 107,
Sporne, Nicholas (Jackson and Co. v.), 515, 543
Sporne, Nicholas (Martin v.), cxiv, 454, 466, 481,
Stevens, Joseph (Dent v.), 17, 35, 39, 44
514, 544
Stevens, Richard (Bayne v.), 456, 486, 499-500
Sporne, Nicholas (Moore v.), 516, 524, 616
Stevens (Stephens), Richard (Cecell v.), 303, 391,
Sporne, Nicholas (Small v.), 515, 543
487, 510
Sporne, Nicholas (Soaper v.), 454, 466, 514, 543
Sporne, Nicholas v. Bennett, John, Jr., 455, 466,
Stevens, Richard (Charlett, admr. of v.), xci, 179,
182, 245, 275, 289, 320, 337-38, 392
514, 528-29
Sporne, Nicholas v. Davis, John, 431, 449-50
Sporne, Nicholas v. Goarding, Robert, 431, 433,
Stimpson, Sollomon, 382, 433, 456, 489, 571
Stimpson, Solomon (His Majesty v.), liii, 458,
460-61, 497
Sporne, Nicholas v. Guill, George, 545, 549
Stimpson, William, 459, 471, 476
Sporne, Nicholas v. Hutchison, William, 454, 466,
Stimpson, William (Mason v.) [1], 392, 396, 440-
514, 543, 616
Sporne, Nicholas v. Orton, Thomas, [1], 178, 181,
Stimpson, William (Mason v.), [2], 454, 466, 514,
245, 270
543, 575-76