Simpson (Sampson), John (His Majesty v.),
Small, David (Lomax v.), 322, 325, 358
Small, David (Mooreland v.), 453, 466, 514, 543,
Simpson, Sollomon, 164
Sissell (Sicill), William (Sutton v.), 40, 55, 159,
Small, David, spec, bail Tracey (Brookes v.), 359,
Slapcoate, Elizabeth, 347, 349, 350
Small, David, spec, bail Tracey (Magruder v.),
Slapcoate (Sapcott), Elizabeth ([His Majesty] v.),
359, 363
Small, David (Taney v.), 453, 466, 514, 543, 573-
Sly, Gerard (His Majesty v.), Ixxxii
Sly, Grace. See Brown, Ellinor
Small, David (Taney, exec. of v.), 453, 466, 514,
Small David, xxiii, xxiv, xxviii, xxxiii, Ixviii,
543, 572
Ixxviin, xcii, ci, cix, ex, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 15, 22,
Small, David (Trueman, admrx. of v.), 453, 466,
26, 31, 38, 41, 42-43, 51, 52, 53, 59, 60, 63, 72,
514, 543, 605-07
93, 98, 104, 112, 113, 129, 138, 141, 144, 181,
Small, David v. Boyd, John, 371
183, 211, 212, 213, 243, 247, 248, 255, 256, 257,
Small, David v. Bridges, Thomas, 17, 37
273, 277, 279, 282, 288, 293, 298, 299, 323, 328,
Small, David v. Cash, John, 454, 478-79
336, 337, 374, 385, 395, 399, 419, 420, 423, 524,
Small, David v. Furgus, Bryant, 54, 109, 120-21
526, 541, 555, 560, 561, 590, 614
Small, David v. Hall, Joshua, 373
Small, David (Addison v.), 432, 436, 485, 514, 616
Small, David v. Harrwood, Samuell, [1], 180, 209
Small, David, admr. Cooper (King v.), 210, 215,
Small, David v. Harrwood, Samuell, [2], 180, 209
275, 282, 289, 293, 320
Small, David v. Hulse, Richard, 107, 115, 157, 170
Small, David, admr. Cooper (Lyles v.), xcii, 54,
Small, David v. Lancaster, — , 372
63, 150-51
Small, David v. Luddell, William and uxor, 160
Small, David, admr. Cooper (Nichollson v.), 180,
Small, David v. Sporne, Nicholas, 515, 543
181, 245, 275, 289, 320
Smart, Anthony, xxxvii, 13, 53, 60, 255, 279
Small, David, admr. Cooper (Tracey v.), 54
Smart, Anthony (Mathiason v.), 281, 292, 295-96
Small, David, admr. Tracey (Brooke v.), cix-cx,
Smart, Anthony (Powell v.), 58 [?], 79-80, 106 [?].
391, 438-39, 453, 466-67, 514, 543, 549-51
See also Smart, Anthony v. Powell, William, [2]
Small, David, admr. Tracey (Furguson v.), 454,
Smart, Anthony v. Powell, William, [1], lixn, xci,
466, 514, 543, 576-77
12, 13, 21, 37, 50, 58 [?], 58-59, 76-78, 92, 106
Small, David, admr. Tracey (Magruder v.), [1],
391, 439
Smart, Anthony v. Powell, William, [2], 12, 13, 37.
Small, David, admr. Tracey (Magruder v.), [2],
See also Smart, Anthony (Powell v.)
453, 467, 514, 543, 551-53
Smart, Sarah, 255
Small, David, admr. Tracey (Mooreland, admr.
Smith, Anthony (Clifford v.), 158
Barker v.), xcii-xciii, 453, 466, 514, 543, 567-69
Smith, Daniell, 21, 58, 106, 276
Small, David, admr. Tracey (Riggby v.), 345, 349,
Smith, Daniell (Browne v.), 57, 106
Smith, Daniell (Carletons v.), 160, 177, 209
Small, David, admr. Tracey (Taneys v.), 453, 514,
Smith, Daniell (Collins v.), [1], 160
543, 607
Smith, Daniell (Collins v.), [2], 160
Small, David, admr. Tracey (Tasker et al. and Co.
Smith, Daniell (Collins v.), [3], 160
v.), 389, 396, 442-43
Smith, Daniell (Mockeboy v.), 55, 106
Small, David, admr. Tracey v. Anderson, Robert,
Smith, Daniell (Tracey v.), 56, 63, 140
391, 420-21
Smith, Denis, 6
Small, David, admr. Tracey v. Sedgewick, Elisha,
Smith, Henry (His Majesty v.), 215
exec. Brothers, 516, 524, 599-600
Smith, James, 215
Small, David, admr. Tracey v. Tracey, Teague,
Smith, Jenkin (Taney, exec. of v.), 17, 31-32, 40
545, 607-08
Smith, John, xxiv, xxvi, xxviii, 15, 85, 105, 125,
Small, David, admr. Tracey v. Vaughun,
129, 130, 131, 161, 186, 212, 215, 227, 233, 242,
Thomas, 391, 424-25, 431, 477-48
245, 276, 279, 291, 294, 300, 303, 346, 347, 349,
Small, David, admr. Tracey (Willis v.), [1], 390,
360, 393, 457, 481, 518, 520, 548, 615
396, 437
Smith, John (Biggs v.), 12, 13, 21, 37, 50, 106, 160
Small, David, admr. Tracey (Willis v.), [2], 390,
Smith, John (Middleton v.), 456, 485
396, 438
Smith, John (Palmer v.), [1], 12, 13, 37, 50, 97
Small, David, admr. Tracey (Willis v.), [3], 454,
Smith, John (Palmer v.), [2], 17, 21, 25, 50, 57,
466, 514, 543, 575, 590 [?], 607 [?], 616
86-87, 88
[Small, David,] admr. Tracey (Willis v.), [4], 454,
Smith, John (Potter v.), 456, 515, 543
466, 514, 543, 590 [?], 607 [?], 616
Smith, John (Short, admr. of v.), 545, 616
Small, David (Culver v.), [1], xc, 390, 413-14
Smith, John v. Furguson, Hugh, 456, 466, 515,
Small, David (Culver v.), [2], 431, 445-46, 454
Small, David, et al. v. Hall, Joshua, 373
Smith, John v. Hurle, Daniell, 55, 106
Small, David (His Majesty v.), liv, 434, 435, 458,
Smith, John v. Palmer, Thomas, xcvii, 11, 12, 16,
37, 50, 82-83, 84