Montgomery, Hugh v. Addis, Richard, 11, 13, 37,
Mortemore, John v. Scamper, Peter, 432
50, 107, 135
Morton, John v. Ludell, William, 211
Montgomery, Hugh v. Tracey, Charles, 11, 13,
Morton, John v. Terrett, Nicholas, admr. of, 246,
37, 50, 80
281, 292. See also Meriton, John v. Terret,
Moody, Thomas (Tracey v.), 108, 158, 171, 179,
Nicholas, admr. of
Motterstead (Mottersted), Jonathan v. Dent,
Moor, William, 392, 457, 489
William, [1], 392, 396, 441
Moore (Moor), James, liii, 15, 52, 111, 113, 189,
Motterstead (Mottersted), Jonathan v. Dent,
204, 206, 255, 256, 257, 279, 298, 299, 328, 348,
William, [2], 454, 466, 514, 543, 574-75
362, 392, 395, 404, 405, 458, 462, 489, 560
Mount Calvert, xvi, xvii, xxiii, 5, 6, 234, 519
Moore (Moor), James (Burnam v.), xcv, 392,
Mount Calvert Hundred, xlii, lii, 5, 64, 248,
396, 439-40
282, 324, 375, 393, 395, 430, 452, 462, 547, 548
Moore (Moor), James (Cecell v.), 546, 549
Mount Calvert Manor, xviiw
Moore, James (Keene v.), 21 1, 215, 275, 289, 320
Mullekin, James, 248
Moore, James (Rooke v.), 108, 114, 176, 181,209,
Mullican, James, 5
212, 223-24, 227
Mullikin, James, 523
Moore, James (Stone v.), 19, 25, 50, 59, 107, 155-
Mullikin, James (Prather v.), 455, 457, 485
Munday, Henry, liv, 93
Moore, James (Taney v.), 291, 295, 341
Murdock, John (Hollyday v.), 546, 611
Moore, James (Taneys v.), [1], 291, 295, 341-42
Murdock, John (Jackson and Co. v.), 546, 612-13
Moore (Moor), James (Taneys v.), [2], 516, 524,
Murfee,— , 599
590, 592-93
Murffy, David, 84
Moore, James (Trueman, admrx. of v.), [1], 291,
Murfy (Murfee, Murfey), John (Dehjnjosey,
295, 341
Alexander v.), 281, 292, 320
Moore, James (Trueman, admrx. of v.), [2], 517,
Muroe, Allexander, 522
524, 590, 594-96
Murphe, — , 599
Moore, James v. Clarke, Thomas, 321, 323, 343
Murphee, John, 598
Moore, James v. Evans, Benjamin, 57
Murphey, David, 477
Moore, James v. Furgus, Bryant, 54, 109, 121-22
Murphey, David (Warren v.), lixn, 372, 390
Moore (Moor), James v. Holsworth, Samuell, 391
Murphey, John, 598, 599
Moore, James v. Miller, George, 321, 323, 333
Murphey, Michall, 376
Moore (Moor), James v. Sporne, Nicholas, 516,
Murr (Marr), John v. Prather, Thomas, Ixxi, 547
524, 616
Murth, John, Ixxv, 23, 112
Moore (Moor), James v. Taney, Thomas, [1], 343,
Murth, John (Cecell v.), 11, 16, 63, 156
349, 370, 429, 485, 514, 542, 555-56
Murth, John (Robeson and uxor v.), 17, 37
Moore, James v. Taney, Thomas, [2], 517, 524,
Murth, John (Robeson v.), 40, 54, 107, 156
Murth (Mork, Morke), John v. Joshling, John,
Moore (Moor), James v. Taney, Thomas and
[Jane], 517, 524, 602
Muschamp, George, 430
Moore (Moor), James v. Trueman, Henry,
Mutra, John, 361
admrx. of, 517, 524, 602-03
Mutra, Margaret, 361
Moore, Mordicay, 58, 92, 111, 155, 278
Moore, Mordicay, exec. Swallwell v. Stoddart,
Nailer (Nailor), George v. Furguson, Hugh, 12,
James, 161, 167, 180, 188, 207
15, 17
Moore, Richard (Buckmaster v.), 108, 117
Nanjemoy Indians, xxi
Moore, Richard (Chappie v.), 20, 38
Nanjemy Parish, xxxi
Moore, Willam, 323, 348
Neale, Arther, 346
Mooreland, Jacob, admr. Barker v. Small, David,
Neale, Edmund (Bigger v.), 433, 455
admr. Tracey, xcii-xciii, 453, 466, 514, 543, 567-
Neale, Edmund (Burnam v.), 157, 166, 209, 226-
Mooreland, Jacob, and Co. v. Barton, William,
Neale (Neal), Edmund (Thompson v.), 432, 450,
345, 372, 390
455, 486, 515
Mooreland (Moorland), Jacob and Co. v. Williams,
Neels, Edmond, 10
Isaac, 453, 477-78
Mooreland, Jacob v. Small, David, 453, 466, 514,
543 616
Nellson (Nelson), John (Burgis v.), 110, 159, 179
Nellson, John, alias John Marsh and Co. v. Nell-
Morgan, William, 112, 518, 534, 554
Mork (Morke), John. See entries under Murth, John
Morland, Jacob, 368
son, Thomas, 37
Nellson, [Mrs. Thomas], 11, 13, 21, 37, 41, 49
Nellson, Thomas and uxor v. Fry, Joseph, admr.
Morrow, Nicholas, 350
of, 11, 13,21, 37,41,49
Mortemore, John, 392, 410, 457, 458, 459
Nellson (Nelson), Thomas (Hill v.), 12, 13, 37, 46,
Mortemore, John (His Majesty v.), lii-liii, 458,
56, 109, 158
498, 513
Nellson, Thomas (Nellson v.), 37