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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
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Meriton (Meryton), John v. Plowden, George,

Mockeboy, Matthew (His Majesty v.), [1], Hi,

455, 487, 499, 543, 587-88, 590

Ixxv, 21, 24, 39

Meriton (Meryton), John v. Robertson, Robert,

Mockeboy, Matthew (His Majesty v.), [2], Hi,

455, 466, 515

lim, Ixxvii, 21, 25, 38

Meriton (Meryton), John v. Ryley, Hugh, 455,

Mockeboy, Matthew (His Majesty v.), [3], Hi, 21,

466, 489, 514, 518, 542, 543, 579-80

25, 39

Meriton, John v. Terrett, Nicholas, admr. of, 320.

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew (His Majesty

See also Morton, John v. Terrett, Nicholas,

v.), [4], lv, Ixxvi, 361, 362-63

admr. of

Mockeboy (Maccaboy, Mackeboy, Makeboy),

Merson, Henry (His Majesty v.), 491-92

Matthew (His Majesty v.), [5], liii, 457, 458,

Michael, Joachim, 617


Middleton, John, 393

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew (His Majesty

Middleton, John v. Smith, John, 456, 485

v.), [6], Hi, 458, 465, 498

Middleton (Midleton), Robert, xli, 7, 53, 279,

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew (His Majesty

436, 614, 615

v.), [7], liii, 458, 460, 481-82

Middleton (Midleton), Robert v. Clacson,

Mockeboy (Maccuby, Mackeboy), Matthew

William, 486, 515

(Jackson and Co. v.), 433, 436, 485

Midleton, John, Jr., 482

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew (Jones v.), 179,

Miller, George, 64, 283, 284, 285, 488, 542, 547,

181, 245, 275, 289, 310-11


Mockeboy, Matthew (Meriton v.), 345, 349, 370

Miller, George (Moore v.), 321, 323, 333

455, 514

Miller, George, Sr., 346, 517

Mockeboy (Macubby, Mackeboy), Matthew

Miller, James (His Majesty v.), Ixxviiin

(Round v.), 454, 485

Miller, John, 404

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew (Taneys v.),

Miller, Michael (His Majesty v.), 215

545, 549

Mills, Daniell, 472

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew (Tracey, admr.

Mills, John, cix, 21, 34, 60, 491

ofv.), 454

Mills, John (Battson v.), cix, 19, 33, 281, 292, 342

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew (Underwood

Mills, John (Carletons v.), 373, 377, 405-08

v.), 433, 436, 456, 475-76, 482

Mills, John (Edwards v.), 109, 155

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew v. Beall,

Mills, John, gar. Edwards (Brasheere v.), 219

Ninian, 322, 344, 359, 363, 388, 393, 400-01

Mills, John, gar. Edwards (Brock v.), 218-19

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew v. Collins, Wil-

Mills, John (Wheeler v.), 108, 155

liam, 433, 455

Mills, John (Willson, execs. of v.), 487, 505

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew v. Dowson,

Mills, William, Ixxv, Ixxxviii, 5, 36, 60, 112, 161,

John, 433

166, 169, 174, 277, 346, 348, 457, 554

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew v. Dowton,

Mills, William (Lowther v.), 516, 539-40

Thomas, 455, 485

Millsteed, Edward, 113

Mockeboy, Matthew v. Jones, Hugh, 322, 325,

Millsteed (Milsteed), Edward v. Hunt, Cornelius,


107, 155

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew v. Jones, Rich-

Millsteed, William (Sergent v.), 20, 37

ard, 55, 106

Mitchell, Henry (His Majesty v.), 215

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew v. Plowden,

Mockeboy (Mackeboy, Maccuby, Macubby,

George, 179, 181, 245, 275, 289, 320, 338-39,

Mocaboy), Matthew, cii, civ, 5, 9, 12, 21, 52,

431, 587

58, 92, 94, 162, 345, 362, 375, 490

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew v. Smith,

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew (Brownes v.),

Daniell, 55, 106

55, 63, 111, 156

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew v. Tracey,

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew (Burgis v.),

Thomas, 55, 106

xxv, civ, 19, 26, 50, 57, 100-01, 105, 106, 156,

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew v. Wauters,

176, 198-99

Thomas, 433, 455, 486, 515

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew (Carletons v.),

Mockeboy (Mackby, Mackeboy, Macuby), Mat-

372, 376,429,436-37, 515

thew (Willson, execs. ofv.), cii, 486, 499, 531-

Mockeboy, Matthew (Danellson v.), 293, 321,

32, 543

323, 343
Mockeboy, Matthew (Dent v.), [1], 19, 26, 46-47

Mockeboy, Matthew (Wood v.), Ixii, 177, 181,

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew (Dent v.), [2],
546, 610

Moehoe, Robert, 458

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew (Garland v.),

Molloy, [Charles], xxxi

161, 174, 180, 209, 212, 245, 248, 274

Monke, Christopher, 215

Mockeboy (Mackeboy), Matthew (Groome v.),

Montgomery, Hugh, 200

433,436,451,473-75, 517

Montgomery, Hugh (Stone v.), [1], 18, 37

Mockeboy, Matthew (Harrwood v.), 281, 282,

Montgomery (Montgomry), Hugh (Stone v.), [2],

285, 294, 295, 299-300

108, 117-18, 158, 167, 199-200



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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
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