Harryson, Joseph (Hine, admr. of v.), 413. See
Herring Towne, 397
also Harryson, Joseph (Hine v.)
Heynes, Matthew. See Heines (Heynes), Matthew
Harryson (Harrison), Joseph v. Ashby, Stephen,
(Furguson v.)
Hicks, Daniell, 345
Harryson, Joseph v. Chapman, John, 40, 47, 104-
Hide, — , exec. of v. Sporne, Nicholas, 466
05, 109
Hide, Johannah. See entries under Goff, Johannah;
Harryson, Robert, 282
Hide, Thomas, exectrx. of
Haryson, John, liii/z, 458
Hide, John, 603, 604
Hartley (Hartney), Benjamin v. Loyler, James,
Hide, John, and Co. v. Vaughun, Thomas, 374,
[1], 108, 156, 345
377, 408-09
Hartley (Hartney), Benjamin v. Loyler, James,
Hide, Thomas, 6, 8
[2], 108, 156, 345
Hide (Hyde), [Thomas], exectrx. of v. Baker,
Hatton, Susanna, 242
Nicholas, [1], 372, 376, 429, 451
Hatton, Thomas, 212, 237, 240, 242
Hide (Hyde), Thomas, exectrx. of v. Baker,
Hatton, William, xxi, 221, 326, 472, 617
Nicholas, [2], xc, 455, 514, 543, 577-79
Hawes, George, 318
Higham, Elizabeth, 162, 180, 205
Hawkins, — , 614
Hiks, Thomas, 521
Hawkins, John, xxiv, xxvi, xxviii, 52, 183, 186,
Hill, Elizabeth, 181
188, 190, 202, 210, 212, 215, 221, 248, 250, 258,
Hill, Elizabeth v. Nellson, Thomas, 12, 13, 37,
259, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 282, 284, 285, 294,
46, 56, 109, 158
300, 303, 346, 349, 360, 362, 393, 394, 402, 417,
Hill, G., 585
425, 427, 436, 490, 503, 513, 519, 520, 521, 522,
Hill, Giles, 387
531, 546, 547, 553, 560, 589, 590, 613, 614
Hill, Gilles (Jenkins v.), 56, 106
Hawkins, Robert v. Padgett, Thomas, 331, 332
Hill, Mary, 588, 589. See also Hill, John and Mary
Hay, Charles, 41, 58, 78, 80, 98, 101, 106, 284,
(Williams, exec. of v.); Wallis, Mary
Hill, John and Mary (Williams, exec. of v.) 488,
Hay (Hayes), Charles (Young v.), [1], 40, 47, 49,
499, 517, 543, 588-89, 590
107, 111, 146-47, 155,417
Hill, Sarah, 502, 503
Hay, Charles (Young v.), [2], 55, 72
Hill, John and Sarah, admrx. Willson (Willson
Hay, Mary, 41
et al, execs. Willson v.), 502-03
Hay, [Mrs. Charles], 58
Hill, Jonathan (Meriton v.), 488, 516
Hay, Peter (His Majesty v.), Ivii, Iviin, 393, 433,
Hill, [Mrs. William], 486
452, 485
Hill, Richard, 181
Haye (Hayes), Charles, 169, 174, 255
Hill, Thomas, 215
Hay wood, Nicholas, 149
Hill, William, 491, 493, 495
Haywood, Raphaell, 182
Hill, William and Sarah, admrx. Willson (Willson
Head, William, 30
et al., execs. Willson v.), 502-03. See also Hill,
Heard, Andrew, 540
William and uxor (Willson, execs. of v.)
Heath, [Sir Robert], xxi
Hill, William and uxor (Willson, execs. of v.), 486.
Hedger, John, 305
See also Hill, William and Sarah, admrx. Willson
Heines (Heynes), Matthew (Furguson v.), 57, 58,
(Willson et al., execs. Willson v.)
69, 109, 111, 161, 176
Hill, William (Charlett, admr. of v.), 179, 196-97
Heines, Timothy (Browne v.), 159, 161, 175
Hillory, Thomas, 27, 29, 417
Heneper, Edmund, 349
Hillory, Thomas, admr. Williams v. Stafford,
Henery, John, 113
Thomas, 17, 37, 97, 134
Hennis, David, 111, 161, 395, 417
Hillory, Thomas (Chapman v.), 157, 177, 181, 245
Henry, James (Hume v.), 344, 349, 352-53
Hillory, Thomas v. Chapman, John, 178, 181, 245
Henry, John, 183, 284, 285, 394, 400, 401, 416,
Hills, Jonathan v. Ryley, Hugh, 372, 429
491, 547
Hine, Hannah, 376
Henry, John (Brock v.), 178, 209
Hine, Hannah, admrx. Hine v. Harryson, Joseph,
Henry, John (Jowles v.), 281, 288-89, 322
413. See also Hine, Hannah v. Harryson, Joseph
Herbert, Alexander. See Harbert, Alexander
Hine, Hannah v. Harryson, Joseph, xc, 374, 377,
Herbert, William, 374, 458, 503
Herbert, William (Nellson v.), 431
Hine, Mary, 376
Herbert (Harbert), William v. Dreyden, Henry,
Hine, Matthew, admrx. of v. Harryson, Joseph,
xci, 246, 250, 290, 316-17, 321, 344, 373
413. See also Hine, Hannah v. Harryson Joseph
Herbert (Harbert), William v. Tracey, Charles,
His Majesty and Chew, William v. Clapcoate,
57, 63, 148-50
Barnett, Ixiiw, 109, 157
Herbert, William v. Williams, Isaac, 359
His Majesty and Feilds, Abraham v. Gardiner,
Herbert, William (Willson, execs. of v.), xcvi,
John. See Feilds, Abraham v. Gardiner, John
486, 543, 584-85
His Majesty and Lydall, [John] v. Lewis,
Herne, John, xxxii
[Thomas], Ixxiiiw, Ixxviira, Ixxviiiw
Herring Creek Vestry, 369
[His Majesty] v. Ashforth, Michael, 84