295, 323, 343, 345, 358, 359, 370, 374, 376, 391,
Hall, Joshua (Small et al. v.), 373
402, 415-17
Hall, Joshua v. Gorden, Robert, 40, 49
Groome, William (Ball v.), [1], 57, 63, 73, 141-42
Hall, Joshua (Willson, execs. of v.), 486, 515
Groome, William (Ball v.), [2], 158, 170-71
Hall of Records, xvii, xviii
Groome, William (Biggs v.), 392, 425-26, 432
Hallum, John, 24, 256, 284, 285, 348
Groome, William (Brooke v.), 372, 389, 410-11,
Hambleton, Andrew, 395, 458, 489
Hambleton, Gaven (Gann, Gaun), 42, 58, 84,
Groome, William (Garletons v.), 160, 176
180, 188, 324, 384
Groome, William (Ceceil v.), 488, 509-10
Hambleton, Gaven v. Jones, William, 19, 35-36,
Groome, William (Evans v.), 344, 349, 366-67,
108, 158
Hammond, Thomas, xxiv
Groome, William (Jackson and Co. v.), 322, 343
Hance, John, 366
Groome, William (Keniston v.), 389, 428
Hanslop, Henry v. Harrwood, Samuell, 176, 181,
Groome, William (Liddall v.), lixn, 371, 453, 485
245, 275, 289, 302, 487
Groome, William (Meriton v.), xciii-xciv, 179,
Hanslop (Hanslopp), Joseph v. Harrwood, Sam-
181, 245, 270-71, 281
uel, 176, 181, 245, 275, 282, 289, 294, 302-03,
Groome, William (Paggen and Co. v.), 110, 114,
176, 197, 322
Hanson, Lt. Col.,—, 521
Groome, William (Rigby v.), 371, 390, 427
Harbert (Herbert), Alexander, 24, 111, 113, 188,
Groome, William (Riggby v.), 323, 325, 358
227, 256
Groome, William (Rounds v.), 322, 343
Harbert (Herbert), Allexander (Kilburne v.), [1],
Groome, William (Sands and Co. v.), 110, 114,
20, 26, 50, 107, 145-46
176, 245, 274
Harbert (Herbert), Allexander (Kilburne v.),
Groome, William (Sutton and Co. v.), 160, 167,
[2], 20, 26, 50, 107, 156
Harbin, Francis v. Edmonson, Thomas, 161, 167,
Groome, William v. Ball, Edward, 177
247, 258
Groome, William v. Crotoffe, Cortny, 55, 63, 156,
Hardin, Thomas, 212
176, 209, 245, 274-75, 289, 306-07, 321
Harguess, Thomas v. Berry, Benjamin, 544, 549
Groome, William v. Davis, John, lixn, 178, 181,
Harrington, John, 208
245, 275, 320
Harris, Elizabeth, 410
Groome, William v. Gaskin, William, 108, 155
Harris, Jane, 285
Groome, William v. Mockeboy, Matthew, 433,
Harris, Jane (His Majesty v.), Ivi, Ivin, 212, 294
Harris, John, 457, 599
Groome, William v. Robertson, Robert, 433, 436,
Harris, John (Alien v.), 20, 40, 55, 106
Harris, Mary, 293, 323
Groome, William v. Tracey, Charles, 160, 167,
Harris, Robert, 380
Harrison, Robert, 389
Groome, William (Westry v.), 322, 324, 358
Harrison, Thomas, 389
Gross, William (Meriton v.), 281
Harrwood, Samuell, 275
Guen, John, 389
Harrwood (Harwood), Samuell (Hanslop, Henry
Guill, George (Sporne v.), 545, 549
v.), 176, 181, 245, 275, 289, 302, 487
Gudridge, Henry. See Goodrick (Godrick, Good-
Harrwood (Harwood), Samuell (Hanslop, Joseph
rich, Gudridge), Henry (Bayne v.)
v.), 176, 181, 245, 275, 282, 294, 302-03, 487
Gutridge (Guttridge), Henry, 169, 174, 347
Harrwood (Harwood), Samuell (Lomax v.), 176,
210, 245
Hackett (Hacket), Francis v. Letchworth, Joseph,
Harrwood, Samuell (Ryley v.), 158
344, 351-52, 359, 374, 431
Harrwood (Harwood), Samuell (Small v.), [1],
Hackett, John, 392, 433, 488
180, 209
Hackett, John (Deavor v.), 454, 478
Harrwood (Harwood), Samuell (Small v.), [2],
Hagaman, Mr. — , 78
180, 209
Hagen, John, 346
Harrwood (Harwood), Samuell v. Mockeboy,
Hall, Benjamin, xlix
Matthew, 281, 282, 285, 294, 295, 299-300
Hall, John, xxiv
Hall, Joseph v. Orton, Thomas, 179, 182, 209
Harrwood (Harwood), Samuell v. Plumer,
Thomas, 57, 108, 155
Hall, Joshua, 9, 13, 53, 74, 76, 78, 80, 94, 101, 113,
152, 166, 224, 234, 237, 240, 244, 277, 362, 375,
Harrwood (Harwood), Samuell v. Ryley, Hugh,
376, 394, 400, 401, 405, 416, 458
civ-cv, 110, 124-25, 140
Hall, Joshua (Abbington, ad,mr. of v.), 373
Hall, Joshua (Emms et al. v.), 373
Harryson (Harison, Haryson), Joseph, 24, 109,
125, 129, 139, 144, 153, 327, 393
Hall, Joshua (His Majesty v.), liv, Ixxv-lxxvi,
Harryson, Joseph, gar. Heines (Furguson v.), Ill,
247, 255, 256-58, 285
161, 176
Hall, Joshua (Jackson and Co. v.), 373
Harryson (Harison, Harrison), Joseph (Hine v.),
Hall, Joshua (Small v.), 373
xc, 374, 377,412-13