Furguson, Hugh v. Barton, William, plaisterer,
Gaskin, William (Willson, execs. of v.), 487, 505-
17, 37
Furguson (Fergison), Hugh v. Blandford, Tabitha,
Gasking, William ([His Majesty] v.), 98
432, 436, 457, 471
Gates, Robert (Charlett, admr. of v.), 211, 243,
Furguson (Fergison), Hugh v. Browne, John, 358,
363, 374, 388
Gallon, Thomas v. Jones, Edward, 292, 320
Furguson, Hugh v. Glarvoe, Francis, 292, 297
Geesbrook (tract), 9
Furguson (Fergison), Hugh v. Fenix, Edward,
George, Prince of Denmark, xv
454, 485
Gibbs, Henry, 376
Furguson, Hugh v. Greene, John, 293, 320
Gibbs, Samuell (Forrestv.), 179, 196-97, 246, 264
Furguson, Hugh v. Heines, Matthew, 57, 58, 69,
Gibbs, Samuell (Hurle v.), 18, 37
109, 111, 161, 176
Gillings,— , 47
Furguson, Hugh v. Teague, Thomas, et al., 26.
Gittings (Gitting), Ann, 41, 58
See also Furguson, Hugh, et al. v. Thompson,
Gittings, Phillip, 15, 59, 175, 213, 221, 277
Gittings, Phillip v. Rowland, Lawrence, admrx.
Furguson (Fergison), Hugh v. Tracey, Charles,
of, 246, 258-59
admr. of, 454, 466, 514, 543, 576-77
Glanriles, Robert, 215
Furguson (Fergison), Hugh (Willson, execs. of v.),
Glover, Henry, 103
488,499, 511-12, 543, 616
Goarding, Robert, 531, 598
Goarding (Cording, Gourding), Robert (Sporne
Gaile, John, 204
v.), 431, 433, 457, 470-71, 482, 486
Gaile, John v. Shaw, John, 177, 209
Godolphin, [John], xxx
Gale, John, 10,21,24
Goff (Goffe), Bartholomew, Ixxi, 375, 376, 394,
Galeher, Martin, 283
400, 401, 416, 444, 534, 548, 553, 554, 590
Gallahah, John v. Wheat, John, xcv, 486, 499,
Goff (Goof), Bartholomew and Johannah, exectrx.
Hide v. Baker, Nicholas, 455, 514, 543, 577-79
Gamblin (Gambling), James, 115, 166
Goff (Goffe), Bartholomew (Carrington v.), 432,
Gamblin, James, gar. (Small v.), 170
436, 485, 514, 525
Gambra, Richard, 166, 289, 457, 459, 471, 476,
Goff (Goffe), Bartholomew (Ward v.), 344, 359,
Gambra, Richard v. Dent, William, 159, 162,
Goff, Johannah, 577, 579. See also entries tinder
177, 180, 210, 212, 215, 248, 274
Hide, Thomas, exectrx. of
Gamlen,— , 367, 368
Goldesborough, Reports, xxxii
Gant, Ann, 467, 468, 469. See also Wooten, Simon,
Goldsborough, Robert, xxiw, xxx
admr. of v. Wighte, John and Ann
Goodman, William, 124
Gambrell, Richard, 42
Goodrick (Godrick, Goodrich, Gudridge), Henry
Gardiner, John, cxi, 53, 105, 125, 129, 139, 153,
(Baynev.), 110, 158, 172
223, 324
Goosey,—, 47, 610
Gardiner, John (Carletons v.), 40, 48
Goosey, Jonathan, 535
Gardiner (Gardner, Gardnier), John (Feilds v.),
Goosey, Martha, 535
Ixii-lxiii, 12, 17, 21, 37, 40-41, 49, 58, 61-63,
Goosey, Samuell, 564
111, 130, 142-43, 155, 158, 177
Goosey, Samuell v. Thickpenny, John, 372, 390,
Gardiner, John ([His Majesty] v.), xci, 294
432, 484, 488, 513, 537-38
Gardiner, John (Short v.), 40, 47, 58, 98-99
Goosey (Goozey), Samuell v. Troy, Daniell, [1],
Gardiner, John v. Feilds, Abraham, 178
57, 63, 139-40
Gardner, John, 34
Goosey (Goozey), Samuell v. Troy, Daniell, [2],
Garland (Gallon), Randolph v. Mockeboy, Mat-
57, 63, 156
thew, 161, 174, 180, 209, 212, 245, 248, 274
Gorden, Robert (Box v.), 322, 343
Garrald, Edward v. Chisick, Thomas, 321, 323,
Gorden, Robert (Edmonson, admr. of v.), 158,
344, 345
172, 175, 209, 245
Garrell, Richard, 376
Gorden (Gauden), Robert (Hall v.), 40, 49
Garrett,— , 422
Gorden (Gordian), Robert ([His Majesty] v.), lii,
Garrett, John (Davis v.), cxiii, 178, 182, 193-94,
Grace, John (Willson v.), 55
Garrett, John (Tracey v.), cxiii, 178, 182, 193,
Grainger, Thomas (Onbee v.), 157, 177
212, 235-38, 242
Graves, — , Widdow, 586
Gaskin, William, 459, 471, 476
Graves, William, cii
Gaskin, William (Groome v.), 108
Graves, William, admrx. of (Charlett, admr. of
Gaskin (Gasskin), William (His Majesty v.), lii,
v.), ci-cii, 246, 250, 289, 312-13
458, 463, 498
Gray, Thomas, 617
Gaskin, William (Jackson and Co. v.), 454, 479
Green, James, 457
Gaskin, William (Round v.), 454, 479-80
Green, John, 583