Evans, Mary ([His Majesty] v.), 394
Ford (Foord), James (Paggen and Co. v.), 177,
Evans, Richard, 599
Evans, Walter, Iviin, 9, 22, 282, 54
Forrest, Elizabeth, 347, 350
Evens, Ann, 208
Forrest, Ellinor, 347
Evens, Walker, 480
Forrest, John, 15, 182, 183, 224, 234, 237, 240,
244, 248, 256, 277, 281
Falconer, Martin, 10
Forrest (Forest), John, admr. of (Cecell v.), [1],
Falkner, Martin, 111, 256, 257, 514
344, 353, 374, 390
Falkner (Faulkner, Folkner), Martin, admrx. of
Forrest (Forest), John, admr. of (Cecell v.), [2],
(Charlett, admr. of v.), 359, 363, 388, 402-03
345, 354-55, 374, 387-88
Falkner, [Mary], 111. See also Ryley, Hugh and
Forrest, John, admr. of (Towgood v.), 345, 353-
Mary, admrx. Falkner (Greenfeild, admr.
54, 546, 609-10,
Charlett v.) ; Ryley, Mary
Forrest, John, v. Evans, Benjamin, 57
Farmer, William (Rowland, admrx. of v.), 322,
Forrest, John v. Gibbs, Samuell, 179, 196-97, 246
Fames, Robert, 490
Forrest, John v. Keniston, Thomas, 247, 250, 282
Feeld, Elizabeth ([His Majesty] v.), 326, 346
290, 294, 320
Feilder, Edward, 468
Forrest, John (Watts v.), 12, 16
Feilds, Abraham (Gardiner v.), 178
Forrest, Lucy, 347
Feilds, Abraham v. Gardiner, John, Ixii-lxiii, 12,
Forrest, William 350
17, 21, 37, 40-41, 49, 58, 61-63, 111, 130, 142-
Foster, William, 88
43, 155, 158, 177
Fowler, Ann, 359
Feilds, Abram (Willson, execs. of v.), 487
Fowler, Ann v. Ball, Edward, Ixxi, 61
Fenix,— , 212
Frady, James, 346
Fenix (Phenix), Edward, 5, 21, 24, 113, 125, 129,
France, xxx, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 22, 41, 51, 59 62
139, 243, 324, 490, 576
112, 162, 181, 186, 212, 235, 238, 248, 276, 282,
Fenix (Phenix), Edward (Furguson v.), 454, 485
291, 294, 324, 346, 359, 375, 393, 429, 434, 457,
Fenix, Edward v. Cordiall, John, 157
489, 518, 519, 520, 546, 553
Fenix (Feix, Fenis, Phenix), Edward v. Furguson,
Frankling, George (His Majesty v.), 491-92
Hugh, 55, 63, 111, 152-53
Frederick, Thomas, 42, 282, 395, 614
Fenix, Mary, 490
Fry, John, xcvii
Fenlay, James v. Smith, Steven, 211, 215, 275,
Fry, John v. Warren, Samuell, xcvii, 344, 349,
289, 320
370, 377-78
Fenwick, John, 84
Fry, Joseph, admr. of (Charlett, admr. of v.),
Fernley (Fernly), Henry, 220, 295, 413, 530
246, 251, 290, 314-15
Fernley (Fernly), Henry v. Biggs, Robert, [1], 17,
Fry, Joseph, admr. of (Nellsons v.), 1 1, 13, 21, 37,
37, 49, 97
Fernley, Henry v. Biggs, Robert, [2], 108, 119
Fry, Joseph, admr. of (Sporne et al. v.), 39, 47,
Fernley (Fernely), Henry v. Biggs, — , admr. of,
Fry, Joseph v. Warren, Samuell, 390
Fernley (Fernly), Henry v. Clarke, Richard, 40,
Fry, Joseph (Warren v.), 431
54 68-69, 109, 114, 176, 209, 245, 275, 289,
Furgus, Bryant (Moore v.), 54, 109, 121-22
Furgus, Bryant (Small v.), 54, 109, 120-21
Fernley (Fernely), Henry v. Drey den, Henry, 391
Furguson, Allexander (Palmer v.), 18
Fernley (Fearnely, Fearnly, Fernely, Fernly),
Furguson, Hugh, 21, 180, 183, 208, 211, 243, 255
Henry v. Sporne, Nicholas, 453, 466, 514, 543,
Furguson (Fergison), Hugh (Carletons v.), 373
Furguson (Fergison), Hugh (Cecell v.), 433, 488,
Ferry, John, xxiv
Filmore, William. See Phillmore, William
Furguson, Hugh, et al. (Thompson v.), 159
Finch, Guy, 163
Furguson, Hugh, et al. v. Thompson, Christopher,
Fish, Henry v. Williams, William, 159, 178, 210,
50, 58, 92, 107, 111, 130, 138-39, 140, 154, 155.
215, 272
See also Furguson, Hugh, et al. v. Thompson,
Fisher, Christopher, 490
Fisher, John v. Sporne, Nicholas, 517, 524, 603-05
Charles; Furguson, Hugh v, Teague, Thomas,
et al.
Fisher, John, admr. Wootten v. Wighte, John and
Ann, 389, 396, 467-69
Fitzharbert (Fitcharbert) , Harry (Henry) v. Beall,
Furguson, Hugh (Fenix v.), 55, 63, 111, 152-53
Furguson (Fergison), Hugh (Hutchison v.), 432,
Ninian, 40, 54, 63, 156
Fitzherbert, [Sir Anthony], xxxii
Flemin, John, 457
Furguson, Hugh (Nailer v.), 12, 15, 17
Furguson (Fergison), Hugh (Smith v.), 456, 466,
Foard, James, 531
515, 543
Ford (Foord, Foorde), Abraham, 51, 52, 53, 283,
Furguson, Hugh v. Arther, William, 292, 321,