Burke, Richard (Holland v.), 210, 247, 260
Canter, William, 284, 285
Burnam, Gabriell, 477
Capman, John. See Chapman, John
Burnam, Gabriell v. Moore, James, xcv, 392,
396, 439-40
Carleton, Edward and Dudley, xxvii, lix, 92 499
614 ' '
Burnam, Gabriell v. Neale, Edmund, 157, 166,
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Baker Charles
209, 226-27
292, 300-01, 321. See also Carleton, Edward and
Burnam (Barnam), Matthew (Cecell v.), 40, 54,
Dudley v. Baker, James
67-68, 179, 292, 297-98
Burras, John, 535
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Baker, James
344. See also Carleton, Edward and Dudlev v'
Busey (Beusey), Charles, 491, 492
Baker, Charles '
Busey, Charles v. Rothery, William, 179, 181, 21 1,
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Banks, Thomas
243, 245
19, 32, 40, 48-49
Busey, Henry, 208
Busey (Beusey, Bewsey, Buesey, Bussey, Busy),
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Barton, William
plaisterer, 40, 47, 107, 147-48, 157
Paul, ci, 10, 11, 15, 166, 183, 224, 234, 237,
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Battson Ed
240, 244, 284, 285, 347, 362, 417, 433, 444,
ward, 160, 166, 173, 203-04
456, 576, 577, 614
Busey (Beusey, Bewsey, Buesey), Paul (His
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Bray James
359, 363 '
Majesty v.), lii, 458, 485, 489, 496
Busey (Beusey), Paul, et al. v. Vaughun, Thomas,
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Clarke Thomas
359, 370, 486
344, 349, 359, 370
Bussey, George, 58, 111, 161, 208
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Collier Francis
373, 384-85
Butler, Henry, 21
Butler, Henry v. Prather, William, [1], 293, 321,
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Crofts Henrv
Ixi, 292, 295, 340-41 '
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Davis Tohn
Butler, Henry v. Prather, William, [2], 293, 321,
516,517,524 J '
Buttler (Bottler), Edward, 565
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Devall Mareen
373, 382, 386
Buttler (Bottler), Edward v. Beall, Ninian, [1],
Carleton (Carlton), Edward and Dudley v.
392, 396, 441-42
Edwards, Richard, 19, 33-34
Buttler (Boteler, Bottler), Edward v. Beall, Ninian,
[2], 433, 436, 485, 514, 526-27
Carleton, [Edward and Dudley] v. Evans Tohn
372, 376, 429
Buttler (Botteler, Bottler), Edward v. Willson,
Jonathan, execs. of, 372, 376, 429, 485, 514,
Carleton, [Edward and Dudley] v. Fureuson
Hugh, 373 ' 5 ,
542, 556-58
Buttler, Henry, 436, 456, 488, 518, 531, 532
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Gardiner Tohn
40, 48 '
Buttler, Henry (Bignall v.), 517, 544
Buttler, Henry (His Majesty v.), Hi, 458, 461-62,
Carleton, Edward and Dudley, v. Greere Joseph
Buttler, Henry (Prather v.), 455, 485
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Groome Wil-
liam, 160, 176
Buttler, Henry v. Bignall, Matthew, 515
Buzard Iseland, 230
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Johnson Robert
359, 363, 388, 429 '
Byan, Jonathan, 458
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Tones Hugh
Caleton, Robert, 48
Calvert, Cecil, Lord Baltimore, viii
Calvert, Charles, Lord Baltimore, viii, ix, ix«, x«.
See also entries under Baltimore, Charles, Lord
373, 385-86 ' '
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Jones, William
373, 390, 43 1 , 446-47, 488, 513
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Leafe Francis
Calvert, Henry, 5, 6
161, 176
Calvert County, ix, xv, xvn, xvi, xvi/z, xvii, xx,
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Lewis Nicholas
xxvii, xxviii, xxix, xxxi, xxxii, xxxiii, xlvn, xlixn,
373, 379-80
Hi, Ixv, xci, xcii, xcv, cxiii, 4, 13, 14, 16, 28, 29,
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Lintham Wil-
35, 36, 43, 45, 47, 61, 73, 76, 81, 82, 87, 88, 89,
liam, 110, 155
90, 91, 99, 116, 128, 131, 132, 133, 135, 138,
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Mecartny
144, 146, 196, 200, 205, 206, 208, 209, 217, 218,
Charles, 20, 37
220, 222, 230, 240, 243, 252, 260, 261, 262, 266,
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Mills John
267, 268, 276, 288, 294, 295, 296, 298, 303, 310,
373, 377, 405-08
313, 319, 331, 348, 351, 354, 355, 364, 370, 371,
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Mockeboy,
402, 426, 440, 441, 467, 490, 521, 526, 527, 530,
Matthew, 372, 376, 429, 436-37, 515
532, 535, 536, 537, 538, 549, 56), 562, 563, 564,
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Nicholls Simon,
569, 575, 577, 578, 592, 602, 607, 610
373, 384
Calvert Town, 28, 29, 43, 48, 73, 81, 105, 128,
Carleton, Edward and Dudley v. Padgett,
131, 132, 134, 355, 465, 593, 594
Thomas, 516, 543