Brightwell, Richard (Green v.), 16-17, 37, 49,
Browne, Jane (His Majesty v.), lvi, lvin, 166, 180,
107, 111, 155
Brightwell, Richard v. Clarkson, William, 20, 37
Browne, Jane v. Thompson, Christopher, lxxi,
Brightwell, Richard v. Durham, Francis, 18, 25,
326, 374
50, 58, 80-81, 84
Browne, John, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 53, 58, 60, 122,
Brightwell, Richard v. Letchworth, Joseph, 20, 36
166, 188, 189, 204, 206, 248, 258, 281, 284, 285,
Brightwell, Robert (Synock v.), 25
325, 362, 375, 376, 393, 452, 457, 458, 481,
Briss, Robert, 458
485, 489, 491, 523, 548
Brock (Brocke), Edward, 41, 113, 183, 362, 393,
Browne, Mary, 55, 63. See also Browne, John and
Mary v. Mockeboy, Matthew
Brock, Edward v. Chapman, John, 178, 181, 245
Browne, John and Mary v. Mockeboy, Matthew,
Brock, Edward v. Edmundson, Archibald, 544
55, 63, 111, 156
Brock, Edward v. Edwards, Richard, 178, 184-85,
Browne, John (Furguson v.), 358, 363, 388
211, 218-19,247,254-55
Browne, John (Trueman, admrx. of v.), 17, 25, 50,
Brock, Edward v. Henry, John, 178, 209
Brock, Edward v. Prather, Thomas, 19, 26, 50,
Browne, John v. Addis, Richard, 54, 106
107, 156
Browne, John v. Furguson, Hugh, 374
Brock, Edward v. Ryley, Hugh, 19, 38, 55
Browne, John v. Heines, Timothy, 159, 161, 175
Brockden, Barbary, 144
Browne, John v. Smith, Daniell, 57, 106
Brockden, Richard v. Powell, William, 19, 26, 50,
Browne, John, carpenter, 74, 76, 78, 80, 94, 101
107, 144-45
Browne, John, Jr., lxxv, 74, 76, 78, 80, 94, 101, 112
Brooke, Baker, 223
Browne, John, planter, 74, 76, 113
Brooke, James, xciv, cix, c, 5, 211, 224, 233, 234,
Browne, Joseph, 325, 459, 471
237, 240, 243, 244, 277, 389, 459, 471, 476, 553,
Browne, Joshua, 476
Browne, Peregrin, and Co. v. Williams, Isaac, 54,
Brooke (Brook), James v. Groome, William, 372,
Browne, Thomas (Williams v.) 359, 374, 388, 401-
Brooke, James v. Small, David, spec, bail Tracey,
359, 363
Brownlow, [Richard], xxxii, xc, 578
Brooke (Brookes), James v. Tracey, Charles, cv,
Bruff, Thomas v. Christenson, John, [1], 18
322, 328, 335-36, 359, 363
Bruff, Thomas v. Christenson, John, [2], 18
Brooke, James v. Tracey, Charles, admr. of, cix-
Bryar, Jonathan, 489
cx, 391, 438-39, 453, 466-67, 514, 543, 549-51
Bryar, Jonathan (His Majesty v.), 493-94, 523
Brooke, James v. Ward, Murfy, xciv, 453, 478,
Bryar, Jonathan (Plumer v.), 486, 499, 543, 582,
515, 543, 581-82
Brooke (Brookes), Roger, 6, 233, 278, 490, 565
Buckmaster, Daniell, 354
Brooke (Brook), Roger v. Willson, [Jonathan],
Buckmaster, Daniell, ([His Majesty] v.), 42, 58
execs. of, 374, 377, 429, 485, 514, 542, 616
Buckmaster, Daniell v. Moore, Richard, Iviin,
Brooke, Thomas, 6, 7, 32, 153, 380, 385
108, 117
Brothers, — , admr. of (Deakins v.), 515, 543
Bullary (Bullarye), Francis v. Coghill, William,
Brothers, — , exec. of (Cecell v.), 516, 543
159, 167, 201-02
Brothers,—, exec. of (Cobb and Co. v.), 517, 524,
Burch,John, 283
Burd, John, 276, 354
Brothers, — , exec. of (Jackson and Co. v.), 516,
Burges, Margery, 21
Burgis (Burges), George, 400, 401
Brothers, — , exec. of (Taneys v.), 545, 547
Burgis, George ([His Majesty] v.), 92
Brothers, Nathaniell, 24, 27, 29, 598, 599
Burgis (Burges), George v. Mockeboy, Matthew,
Brothers, Nathaniell (Wild v.), 55
xxv, civ, 19, 26, 50, 57, 100-01, 105, 106, 156,
Brothers, Robert, xxiii, 208, 209, 279, 326, 351,
176, 198-99
Burgis (Burges), George v. Nellson, John, 110,
Brothers, Robert, exec. of (Tracey, admr. of v.),
159, 179
516, 524, 599-600
Burgis (Burges), George v. Prisley, Francis, 110,
Brothers, Robert, exec. of (Willson, execs. of v.),
159, 166, 209
524, 597-99
Burgis (Burges), George v. Swanson, Francis, 1 10,
Brothers, Robert (Taneys v.), 454, 485
Brothers, Robert v. Lennam, John, 432, 436, 482,
Burgis (Burges), George v. White, Guy, 110, 159,
179, 181, 245, 271
Brown, Joseph, 9
Burgis (Burges), George (White v.), 456
Browne, Able v. Elliott, Daniell, 19, 37
Burgis, Margery ([His Majesty] v.), Ivi, Ivin, 130-
Browne, Christopher, 183
Browne, Elinor (His Majesty v.), 457, 458, 459-60
Burke, John, 346
Browne, James v. Dreyden, Henry, 322, 344, 349,
Burke, Richard, 53
Burke, Richard (Beall v.), 56, 108, 158