Anderson, Robert (Tracey, admr. of v.), 391,
Bacon, John v. Wynn, John, 18, 45
Bairat, John, 499
Anderson, Robert (Willson, execs. of v.), 486,
Baker, Charles, 323, 598
Baker, Charles (Bobeson v.), 114. See also Baker,
Andros, Thomas, 398
Charles (Robinson v.)
Ann (ship), 276
Baker, Charles (Carletons v.), 292, 300-01, 321.
Annapolis, xi, xvii, xviii, xix, xx, xxv, xxviii, xxxii,
See also Baker, James (Carletons v.)
xxxiii, xli, xlin, lvi, lxv, lxix, cviii, 3, 14, 23, 249,
Baker, Charles (Robinson v.), 54, 107, 108, 176.
250, 277, 278, 279, 369, 521, 522, 555
See also Baker, Charles (Bobeson v.).
Anne Arundel County, xx, xxira, xxx, xxxi, xxxii,
Baker, James (Carletons v.), 344. See also Baker,
xxxiii, en, 145, 233, 260, 369, 425, 490
Charles (Carletons v.)
Anne Arundel Town, xi
Baker, Nicholas, 22, 23, 53, 58, 60, 374, 444
Anscoe, Edward (Seeley v.), 281, 289
Baker, Nicholas (Hide, exectrx. of v.), [1], 372,
Anthill, Edward v. Willson, Jonathan, 557, 559,
376, 429, 451
562, 564
Baker, Nicholas (Hide, exectrx. of v.), [2], xc, 455,
Arme, Robert, 389, 395
Arnalld, Thomas, 311
Bale, Thomas, 225
Arther, William (Furguson v.), 292, 321, 330-31
Ball, Edward, 348, 354
Arthur (Arther), Henry, et al. v. Chapman, John,
Ball, Edward (Ball v.), lxiii, 8, 111, 113, 168
xciv, 466, 514, 543, 572-73
Ball, Edward (Fowler v.), 61
Arthur (Arthurnia, Arthurniah), Henry, et al. v.
Ball, Edward (Groome v.), 177
Jackson, William, 108, 114, 176, 209, 224-25
Ball, Edward ([His Majesty] v.), 8
Arthur (Arther), Henry, et al. v. King, Henry, 18,
Ball, Edward v. Groome, William, [1], 57, 63, 73,
Ashby, Marthe, 8
Ball, Edward v. Groome, William, [2], 158,
Ashby, Mary, 8
Ashby (Ashbe, Ashbey, Asby), Steven, 8, 21, 97,
Ball, Edward v. Stone, William, 456, 466, 515,
105, 180, 211, 295, 323, 345, 359, 374, 434, 475
543, 616
Ashby, Steven, gar. Worster (Underwood v.), 259
Ball, Hester (Easter), v. Ball, Edward, lxiii, 8, 1 1 1,
Ashby, Stephen (Harrison v.), 390
113, 168
Ashby, Steven (Sutton and Co. v.), 160, 166-67,
Ball, Hester (Ester) v. Keniston, Thomas, lxiii,
210, 215, 275, 289
Ashby, Steven (Underwood v.), 110, 114, 155, 190
Ball, Michaell, 348
Ashby, Steven v. Souch, William, 280, 286-87,
Ballinger, Elinor, 374
292, 321, 328-29
Ballinger, Francis, 374, 489, 499. See also Billinger,
Ashby, Steven (Willson v.), 323, 325, 358
Ashby, [Mrs. Steven], 180, 211
Baltimore, Charles, Lord, viii, ix, ixn, xra
Ashforth, Michael, 362
Baltimore, Charles, Lord v. Evans, Benjamin, 57,
Ashforth, Michael (Deakins v.), 11, 13, 20, 41, 50,
59, 72, 211, 215, 275, 289, 320, 343, 358,
57, 58, 75-76, 78-79, 84, 106
Ashforth, Michael ([His Majesty] v.), 84
Baltimore County, xii, xx, xxiv, xxxi, xxxii, lxxiii,
Ashforth (Ashford), Michael (Thompson v.), 18,
lxxiv, Ixxivn, lxxviw, lxxxiii, lxxxiiin, lxxxivre,
26, 50, 107, 136-37
xcviii, xcixn, c, cxvw
Ashforth (Ashford), Michael v. Deakins, John,
Banister, John (Smith and uxor v.), 488
19, 26, 50, 107, 141
Banister, John (Smith v.), 466. See also Banister,
Ashman, George, xxiv, 521
John v. Smith, William
Athey, George, 221, 350
Banister, John v. Smith, William, 346, 453, 488,
Athey, George (Hussey v.), 55, 63, 151-52, 177,
514, 517, 518, 543, 613, 616. See also Banister,
210, 247, 280
John (Smith v.).
Athey George (Phillmore v.), 322, 344, 353, 391,
Banister, Thomas, 398
432, 516
Bankes (Banks), Thomas (Carletons v.), 19, 32,
Athey, George (Warren, Humphery, exec. of v.),
40, 48-49
161, 177
Banks (Bankes), Elizabeth, 162, 459, 614
Athey, George (Warren, Notly, exec. of v.), 211
Barecroft, John, 276
Attkey, John, 440
Barker, Thomas, 305
Attwood (Atwood), Richard v. Brent, Henry,
Barker, Thomas, admr. of v. Tracey, Charles,
admrx. of, [1], 55, 63, 142
Attwood (Atwood), Richard v. Brent, Henry,
admr. of, xcii-xciii, 453, 466, 514, 543, 567-
admrx. of, [2], 159, 167, 200-01
Barnes, Godfrey, lviin, 489, 490
Avery, ? , 47
Barnes, Godfrey ([His Majesty] v.), lvii, 548
Avory, ? , 610
Axon, Thomas, 145, 146
Barnett, ? , admr. of (Cozens v.), 50, 106. See also
Ayres, Samuell, 533
Cozens, John v. Wickham, Nathaniell, [1]
Azores, xiv
Barraclift (Barraclough), Edward, 530