This index is to cases and proper names. Cases are indexed under the names of
both plaintiff and defendant; in actions brought by or against executors or admin-
istrators, cases are indexed under the names of such executors or administrators,
where they appear, as well as under the name of the decedent. In actions involving
attachments, cases are also indexed under the name of the garnishee (indicated by
designation "gar"). Where two or more actions bear the same caption, they are
distinguished by numbering them [1], [2] et seq. in brackets. In a few instances
where entries relating to process cannot be definitively assigned to any one of sev-
eral cases bearing the same caption, they are assigned to all such cases followed by
a question mark placed within brackets. For indexing purposes, complaints by
servants against masters have been entered in the same format as actions, viz. Doe,
Jane (servant) v. Roe, Richard (master).
Names with variant spellings are listed in the form in which they appear most
frequently in the text; if no choice by this criterion is feasible, the most modern
spelling is used. Variant spellings are given when the name is the subject of the
entry, and not otherwise. In a few instances in which it could not be determined
whether the same individual was referred to in Liber entries of the same, or sub-
stantially the same, names, separate listings have been made. An italicized letter n
appended to a page number indicates that the reference appears in the footnotes.
Abbington, — , admr. of v. Hall, Joshua, 373
292, 295, 323, 343, 345, 358, 359, 370, 374, 376
Abbington, John, 220, 221
391, 402, 415-17
Abington, — , admr. of v. Chaff ee, — , admr. of
Addison (Adison), Joseph v. Small, David, 432,
488, 499, 544
436, 485, 514, 616
Abington, John, xxix
Addison, Joseph v. Treacy, — , admr. of, 432, 436,
Accokick (Ackocick) Indians, xxi, xxvii, xxviii
485, 514, 616
Ackatomacka, John, 616, 617
Addison, Joseph (Wootton v.), 179, 182, 245
Addis,—, 593
Addison, Thomas, 7, 14, 53, 278, 279, 617
Addis, Richard, 21
Aliene, John v. Pearce, Robert, 281, 292, 321, 343
Addis, Richard (Browne v.), 54, 106
Alleine, Elizabeth, 26
Addis, Richard (Gonley v.), 16, 34-35, 54
Alien, Luctow v. Harris, John, 20
Addis, Richard (Knowles v.), 107, 114
Alien (Allin), Zackeriah v. Harris, John, 40, 55,
Addis, Richard (Montgomery v.), 11, 13, 37, 50,
107, 135
Alien (Allin), Zacheriah v. Rawlings, William,
Addis, Richard (Smith v.), 55, 106
admrx. of, 210, 215, 275, 289, 293, 320, 323, 339
Addis, Richard (Terrets, admr. of v.), 160, 176
Allsop (Alsap), William, gar. Hurd (Beall v.), 182,
Addis, Richard (Tracey v.), 107, 114
Addis, Richard v. Davis, John, 56, 63, 142
Allum, John, 27, 29
Addison, John, xvi, xxi, xxviii, 6, 9, 53, 58, 84,
Alten (Allten), John v. Pearce, Robert, 246, 250,
227, 278, 279, 614
289, 311-12, 321, 344
Addison, Joseph, 162, 541
Ambross (Ambrose), David, 470
Addison, Joseph (Baynes, exec. of v.), 110, 114,
Ambross, David (Baynes v.), 374, 387, 390, 414-15
162, 176, 180, 205-06, 345
America, 617
Addison (Adison), Joseph (Jackson and Co. v.),
Anderson, John (Bigge v.), 346
433, 436, 485, 514, 525-26
Anderson, Robert, 5, 183, 324, 614
Addison, Joseph (Sutton and Co. v.), 160, 167,
Anderson, Robert (Bigge v.), 346
Anderson, Robert (Jackson and Co. v.), 391,
Addison, Joseph v. Charlett, — , admr. of, 543
Addison, Joseph v. Groome, William, xxv, lixn,
Anderson, Robert (Round v.), 391, 418-19