Who to Speake the truth concerneing the Premisses being Elected tryed and
Sworne doe Say upon their Oaths that the Said Thomas Gates is not Guilty o£ the
Premisses above in forme as in the Indightment aforesaid above is imposed against
him Whereupon all and Singular the Premisses by the Court being Seen and
understood it is Considered that the Said Thomas Gates goe thereof without day.
Abigaile Clifford Servant woman to Edward Willett appeared to answer to what
Should be objected against her for bearing of a basterd Child and the Said Abi-
gaile Clifferd confessed that She was Guilty of the Fact Laid to her Charge.
Whereupon it was Ordered by the Court hear that the Sheriffe take the Said
Abigaile Clifford to the Whipping poast and there give her thirty Lashes on he[r]
bare back which was Accordingly done whereupon She was acquitted her Said
Master paying her Fees.
[466] To the worshippfull the Justices of Prince Georges County These Gentle-
By the request of Mr. Wight I hereby informe your worshipps that about five
years Since Mr. John Wight Obteined a Certivecate in Callvert County Court that
a Leame Negro of his called Sancko was by the Said Court adjudged to be Leavie
Free for ever being very much disabled by Leameness etc. which is recorded in
the records of Said Court your Servant. Thomas Tasker.
The Petition answered. William Barton.
The Appearance and Imparliances to September Court 1699.
To these three actions the Defendant by Joshua Cecell Their Attorney appears
and imparls till the next Court: Thomas Harguess against Benjamin Berry - tres-
pass on the Case; John Davis against Elisha Sedgewick - trespass on the Case;
James Watts against Richard Marsham - trespass on the Case.
To these Seven actions the Defendants by William Stone their attorney appears
and imparles till the next Court: Nicholas Sporne against George Guill - trespass
on the Case; Nicholas Sporne against Thomas Richardson - trespass on the Case;
William Wells against William Davis-Debt 400; Joshua Cecell against John
Green - trespass on the Case; Charletts Administrator against John Josling — Debt
- 1988; Thomas Taney and uxor against Brother Executor - trespass on the Case;
Willsons Executor against Wallter Bigger - trespass on the Case.
To these 2 actions the Defendants by John Meryton their attorney appears and
Imparles till the next Court: Charletts administrator against Chaffees administra-
tor-Debt- 1300; Willsons Executors against John Deavor- trespass on the Case.
To these 2 actions the Defendants in their proper persons appears and imparles
till the next Court: Thomas Taney and uxor against Matthew Mackeboy - tres-
pass on the Case; Joshua Cecell against James Moore - trespass on the Case.
James Brooke Plantiff: Treacyes administrator: Defendant
It was Commanded the Sheriffe that whereas there was due from Charles
Treacy Late of Prince Georges County Inholder deseaced unto James Brooke as
well the Sume of four thousand Six Hundred and Sixty pounds of Tobacco Debt
and five Hundred and forty Pounds of Tobacco cost of Suite to the Said James
Brooke for Damages Susteined obteined by a Judgement against the Said Charles
Treacy in his Life time before the Justices of our Sovereigne Lord the King att
Charles Towne the fourth Tuesday in March in the year one Thousand Six