auditors are assigned him that is to Say Mr. Thomas Hollyday and Mr. Samuell
Magruder who are hereby Ordered to hear and adjust accounts between the
parties aforesaid and that they make report thereof forthwith.
[460] And the auditors assigned came and made report of their auditt as
Followeth (Viz.) Say that the account of both Plantiff and Defendant is ballanct
and that both Plantife and defendant Pay their owne Costs.
Therefore it is Considered that the Said Robert Bradley take nothing by his
Said Writt and the Said John Davis goe thereof without day.
Phillip Dennis Plantiffe: William Prather, Defendant
Phillip Dennis by Joshua Cecell his attorney brought his Majesties writt of
Capias against the Defendant in a Plea that he hold Covenant with him the
Said Phillip Dennis according to the force forme and Effect of a Certaine wright-
ing between them made.
And the Said William Prather by John Meryton his attorney cometh and
defendeth the Force and Injury when and Prayeth Leave to have auditors
assigned him to auditt and adjust accomps between him and the aforesaid
Plantiff and According to an ordinance of assembly in that case made and pro-
vided And by the Court auditors are assigned them That is to say Mr. Robert
Bradley and Mr. James Stoddart who are hereby Ordered to to auditt and adjust
accompts between the Parties aforesaid and that they make repoart thereof to
the next Court to be held here the fourth Tuesday in September next.
Ordered that there be a Doggett every Court presented by the Clerke to the
Judge of the Court the Second Day thereof both of Tryall and appearance and
for neglect of which the Clerke to forfeit a thousand pounds of Tobacco and
the Clerke to have allowed him by the Court 50 pounds of Tobacco for Each
Ordered that George Miller brings a Girle of Thomas Thicpennys to the
next Courte and that hee be paid for the same out of the Publick and att the
Same time to bring downe a Girle of Thomas Websters.
Thomas Wells made Oath to Seven dayes attendance for John Meryton against
Hugh Reyley Ordered that the Said Meryton [pay] after the rate of 30 pounds
of Tobacco per day.
Thomas Box desiers his Mark may bee recorded (As Viz.) the Ear whole
with a hole in it and the Ear Cutt up on both Sides and made a short prick
Edward Willett desiers his Marke may be recorded (as Viz.) a Crop and a
Slitt on the Right and the Left Ear Cutt upoon both Sides and made a short
prick Ear. both Cattle and hoggs.
These 24 actions are Continued till the next Court: Truman Administrator
against Ninian Beall — trespass on the Case; James Moore against Thomas
Taney - trespass on the Case; Roger Brooke against Willsons Executors - Debt
22729; Edward Botteler against the Same Executors - trespass on the Case;
Simon Nicholls against the Same Executors - trespass on the Case; Jackson
and Company against John Chapman - trespass on the Case; Round and Com-
pany against Willsons Executors - Debt 15:0:0; William Round against the