your worship[s] would be pleased upon Enquiry of your Petitioner to take it
into Consideration that he is a poore lame man not Able to worke for a main-
tenance and without your Worships Consideration to order a maintenance
from the County must of Necesity Perrish and Starve for want of Subsistance
hopeing that your worships will take it into Consideration and Charratably
grant me my humble Request and your Petitioner Shall Ever Pray etc.
Upon the above petition it is ordered that the Said Abraham Foord have
Eight hundred pounds of tobaccoe Allowed in the Leavie this year.
The Court Adjourned untill to morrow morning Eight a Clock and then
mett and Satt.
Present. Mr. Thomas Hollyday, Mr. William Hutchinson, Mr. Robert Brad-
ley, Mr. David Small, Mr. Robert Tyler, Comisoners.
Mr. David Small Imediately went off the bench.
[52] Ordered by the Court that the Sheriffe take Benjamin Berry and putt him
in the Stocks there to Sitt one hower for Swareing in open Court. Upon which
order the Said Benjamin Came into Court and prayed that he might be cleared
from the former order upon which Submision it is ordered by the Court here
that Instead of the Said Benjamin Sitting in the Stocks hee pay a Fine for his
Swaring in Court aforesaid According to Law. [Fined.]
Ordered by the Court here that the Sheriffe take William Luddell into his
Costody and him Safe keepe untill he Shall find good Security for his good be-
havour and for his Appearance the next Court to be held here in November
next to Answer unto Such things and matters as Shall be on his Majestys behalfe
then and there Objected against him for abuseing the Justices and officers of this
And now here att this day (to witt) the 21th day of October Annoque Domini
1696 Came the Said William Luddell and Acknowledged himselfe to be In-
debted unto our Sovereigne Lord the King in the Just Sume of tenn pounds
of Lawfull money of England Together with James Moore his Security and the
Said James Moore did Acknowledge himself to be Indebted unto our Sovereigne
Lord the King in the Sume of tenn pounds of Like money to be Leavied on
their goods and Chatties Lands and tenements Respectivly to our Sovereigne
Lord the Kings use if the Said William Luddell Shall not Appeare att the next
County Court to [be] held att Charles Towne the fourth Tuesday in November
next and in the mean time to bee of good Behavour as well towards our
Sovereigne Lord the King as all the good people of this province and Espetially
towards the Justices and Officers of this Court etc.
Prince Georges County ................................................ Debtor
lbs. tobacco
To James Bray a poore man ........................................... 0400
To Mr. Thomas Hollyday a wolves head Assigned him .................... 0200
To Col. Henry Darnall Eight wolves heads .............................. 1600
To Mr. David Small Six wolves heads .................................. 1200
To Francis Marberry one Ditto ........................................ 0200
To John Hawkins one Ditto ........................................... 0200
To Matthew Mockeboy one Ditto ...................................... 0200