JUNE, 1699 COURT 511
hundred Eighty five pounds o£ Tobacco as by Declaration filed and account here
Entred may appear.
John Lennam Debtor to Per Contra Creditor
Jonathan Willson 1697.
Aug. the 9th To 2 Dyetts and
a Lodgeing ............... 25
To 2 Dyetts and a Lodgeing to
your Freind ............... 25
To a bowle of punch to your
Freind ................... 50
To 2 boules of Punch to your
Selfe ..................... 100
To 2 Quarts of Wine and
Shuger ................... 080
Nov. 24 To a Gill of rome .... 005
Whereupon the Said John Lennam in his propper Person cometh and De-
fendeth the force and Injury when etc. and Saith that hee cannot gainesay the
action of the Said Kathrine Willson and Joshua Cecell Nor but the two hundred
Eighty five pounds of Tobacco is Due and oweing to the Said Jonathan Willson
Deceased in manner and forme as abovesaid: and Desiered that Judgement
might bee Entred against him for the Same.
Therefore it is considered that the Said Kathrine Willson and Joshua Cecell
recover against the Said John Lennam the Sume of two hundred Eighty five
pounds of Tobacco their Debt afforesaid and their Damages by Occation of
Deteineing the Said Debt to two hundred twenty four pounds of Tobacco to
the Said Kathrine Willson and Joshua Cecell of their assent by the Court ad-
judged and the Said John Lennam in Mercy.
[438] Joshua Cecell Plantiff: Hugh Fergison Defendant
The Pleintiff in his Propper Person Sues the Defendant in an action of tress-
pass upon the Case etc. the Defendant haveing lately Sold his plantation in
ordar to transpoart himselfe out of this Province, The Plantiffes humble prayes
Speaciall baile may bee given to his action abovesaid and it is Granted unto
him; And now here att this Day (to Witt) the 27th day of June Annoque
Domini 1699 came as well the Said Joshua Cecell for himselfe as the Said Hugh
Fergison in his propper person in Custody of the Sheriffe etc. And the Sheriff
now returneth he hath taken the body of the Said Hugh Fergison and the Same
hath here ready in Court, is Committed into the Custody of the Said Shreeff
for default of Manucaptors there to remaine untill etc.
Willsons Executors Plantiffs: Hugh Fergison Defendant
The Plantiffs in their Propper persons Sues the Defendand in an action of
tresspass upon the Case etc. The Defendant haveing lately Sold his plantation
in Order to transpoart himselfe out of this Province The Plantiffs humbley
prayes Speaciall baile may bee given to the action abovesaid and it is granted
unto him.
And now here att this day (to Witt) the 27th day of June Annoque Domini
1699 came as well as well the Said Kathrine Willson and Joshua Cecell for
themselves as the Said Hugh Fergison in his Propper person in Custody of the