Coppy of the Declaration to be left att the house where the Defen[dant] Last
Lived in this County it is likewise Testifyed that the Said Defendant hath
allianed himself out of the Jurisdiction of this Court Whereupon the Said
Joshua Cecell in his Propper person aforesaid prayeth an atteachment against
the goods Chatties and Credditts of William Groom for the Sume of twelve
hundred Ninety and two pounds of Tobacco aforesaid as allso the Sume
of Hundred pounds of Tobacco his Cost and Charges in this behalfe
Layd out and Expended and by the Court it is Granted unto him.
John Lewis Desiers his Marke to bee recorded (Viz.) a Crapp and a Poppular
leafe on the Right and hole, and on the Left a Crapp.
Joshua Cecell Plantiff: Richard Stephens Defendant
Debt for Dammages 727 and aditionall Cost 52 and now at this Day (to witt)
the 27th day of June Annoque Domini 1699 came as well the Said Joshua Cecell
in his Propper person as the Said Richard Stephens in his Propper Person in
Custody of the Sher[iff] etc. and the Sheriffe now returneth hee hath taken the
body of the Said Richard Stephens and the Same hath ready here in Court, is
Committed into the Custody of the Said Sheriff for Default of Manucaptors
there to remaine untill etc.
Joshua Cecell Plantiffe: Ninian Beall Defendant
Debt and Cost 2949 And Now here at this Day (to witt) the 27th day of
June Annoque Domini 1699 came as Well the Said Joshua Cecell for himselfe
as the Said Ninian Beall in his propper Person in Custody of the Sheriffe etc.
and the Sheriff now returneth hee hath taken the body of the Said Ninian Beall
and the Same hath here in Court, is Committed into the Custody of the Said
Sheriffe for Default of Manucaptors there to remaine untill etc.
Joshua Cecell Plantiffe: Ninian Beall Defendant
Debt and Cost 1078 and now hear att this Day (to Witt) the 27th day of
June Annoque Domini 1699 came as well the Said Joshua Cecell for himself e
as the Said William Jones in his propper person in Custody of the Sheriffe etc.
and the Sheriffe now returneth he hath taken the body of the Said William
Jones, and the Same hath here in Court, Whereupon came Charles Wallker
into Court and became the Said William Jones's Security to Stay Execution un-
till the tenth day of October next in the plea aforesaid according to Law.
Thomas Greenfeild Charletts administrator Plantiff: Thomas Davis Defendant
Debt and Cost 2599 And now here att this day (to witt) the 27th day of June
Annoque Domini 1699 came as Well the Said Thomas Greenfeild administrator
as aforesaid by Joshua Cecell his Attorney as the Said Thomas Davis in his
Propper person in Custody of the Sheriff of Prince Georges County, and the
Sheriff now returneth that hee hath taken the body of the Said Thomas Davis
and the Same hath ready here in Court is Comitted to the Custody of the Said
Sheriff for Default of Manucaptors there to remaine untill etc.
Willsons Executors Plantiffs: John Lennam Defendant
The Plantiffs in their Propper persons brought his Majestyes Writt of capias
against the Defendant in a Plea of tresspass upon the case it being for two