aforesaid came the Said Peter Scamper in Custody of the Sheriff of Prince
Georges County and being brought to barr in his propper person Presently it
is demanded of the Said Peter Scamper how hee would acquitt himselfe of the
Premisses above imposed against him.
And the Said Peter Scamper cometh and defendeth the Force and Injury when
etc. and for Plea Saith that he was Sorry for the offence Committed and humbley
Submitted himselfe to the Court.
Whereupon all and Singular the Premisses by the Court being Seen and
understood it is Considered that the Said Peter Scamper Pay unto our
Sovereigne Lord the King his heires and Successors the Sume of one hundred
pounds of Tobacco and to be Cleared for that offence by proclamation which
was accordingly done he giveing the Sheriffe Security for all Fees due to the
officers of this Court, [fine]
His Majesty v. Paul Beusey
Bee it remembred that in March Court Last past the Jurors of our Sovereigne
Lord the King for the body of Prince Georges County upon their Oathes did
present Paule Bewsey Late of Prince Georges County Planter for that hee the
Said Paule the 28th day of March 1699 att Charles Towne in the County afore-
said did in the Contempt of the good Laws of this Province and of the King-
dome of England make himselfe Drunk and in Such manner did abear himselfe
in Fighting against the tennour of the Good Laws of God and this Province.
Joshua Cecell Clerk Indightments
[429] And now here att this day (to witt) the 27th day of June Annoque
Domini 1699 before the Justices of our Sovereigne Lord the King att Charles
Towne aforesaid came the Said Paule Buesey in Custody of the Sheriffe of Prince
Georges County and being brought to barr in his propper person presently it is
demanded of the Said Paule Pewsey how hee would acquitt himselfe of the
premisses above imposed against him.
And the Said Paule Beusey cometh and defendeth the force and Injury when
etc. and Saith for plea that he was Sorry for the offence Committed and humbly
Submitted himselfe to the Court Whereupon all and Singular the Premisses by
the Court being Seen and understood it is considered that the Said Paule Bewsey
pay unto our Sovereigne Lord the King his heires and Successors the Sume of one
hundred pounds of Tobacco and to be cleared by proclamation for the offence
which was accordingly done he giveing the Sherriffe Security for all Fees due to
the Officers of this Court, [fine]
His Majesty v. John Robinson
Bee it remembred that in March Court Last past the Jurors of our Sovereigne
Lord the King for the body of Prince Georges County upon their Oathes did pre-
sent John Robinson Late of Prince Georges County Planter for that he the Said
John the 28th day of March 1699 at Charles Towne in the County aforesaid did
in the Contempt of the Good Laws of this Province and of the Kingdome of
England make himselfe drunk and in Such Manner did abear himself in Fighting
against the tennour of the good Laws of God and this Province. Joshua Cecell
Clerke Indightments
And now here att this day (to witt) the 27th day of June Annoque Domini
1699 before the Justices of our Sovereigne Lord the King att Charles Towne afore-
said came the Said John Robinson in Custody of the Sheriffe of Prince Georges