MARCH, 1699 COURT 473
Whereupon the Said Hugh by Joshua Cecell his Attorney comes and defends
the force and Injury when etc. and prayeth lycence thereof to imparle here untill
the next Court and it is Granted unto him the Same day is given to the Plantiffe
And now here att this day (to witt) the 28th day of March Annoque Domini
1699 came here as well the Said William Hutcheson as the Said High Fergison by
their attorneyes aforesaid and the Said William Hutcheson prayeth that the Said
Hugh Fergison to his Declaration aforesaid may answer Whereupon the Said
Hugh Fergison by his attorney aforesaid cometh and defendeth the force and
Injury when etc. and Saith that he is not informed by the Said Hugh Fergison in
the plea aforesaid and nothing more thereof Saith by which the Said William
Hutcheson remaineth against the Said Hugh Fergison undefended.
Therefore it is Considered that the Said William Hutcheson recover against the
Said Hugh Fergison the Sume of two thousand two hundred ninety and two
pounds of Tobacco his Debt aforesaid and his Damages by Occation of deteineing
the Said Debt to [pounds of] Tobacco of his Asscent by the Court here
adjudged and the Said Hugh Fergison in mercy.
William Groome Plantiff: Robert Robertson Defendant
Auditors was assigned in January Court Last to State and adjust accounts
between the Said parties as in folio 396 of this booke appeareth.
Robert Robertson Debtor to Per Contra Creditor
William Groom. By 300 herrings ............. 80
To 3 pottles of Syder ........ 36 Ballance Due ...... 92
To 1 Lodging .............. 5 ——
To 1 Gallon of Syder ........ 24 172
To 1 pottle of Syder ........ 12
To 3 quarts of wine ......... 90
To 3 Dyetts 30, 1 quart of wine
30 ....................... 60
To one pasteridg ............ 5
[412] The Plantiffe by Joshua Cecell his attorney Sues the Defendant in a plea
of tresspas upon the Case for the Ballance of account as by Declaration filed
And now here att this day (to witt) the 28th day of March Annoque Domini
1699 Came the auditors assigned and made repoart of their auditt. (to witt) In
obedience to an ordar of this Court wee have Settled the above account and find
due to William Groome Ninety two pounds of Tobacco Wittness our hands the
11th day of March 1698/9. Robert Bradley, James Stoddart.
Therefore it is Considered that that the Said William Groome recover against
the Said Robert Robertson the Sume of Ninety two pounds of Tobacco his Debt
aforesaid and his damages by Occation of deteineing the Said Debt to
pounds of Tobacco of his assent by the Court here adjudged and the Said Robert
Robertson in Mercy.
William Groome Plantiff: Matthew Mackeboy defendant
The Plantiff by Joshua Cecell his attorney Sues the Defendant in the Plea of
Tresspass upon the Case for the ballance of account as by declaration filed and
account here Entred appear.